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Last active November 29, 2021 17:02
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  • Save SergeyStretovich/27a16fa2dd778f5da683e05a079ca4d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A very brief example of parallelism in F#.
open System
open System.IO
open System.Drawing
let ResizeImage(img:Image):Image=
let siz = new Size(60,60)
let bmp:Bitmap= new Bitmap(img,siz)
let img:Image = bmp :> Image
let DestFileName(pref:string,filePath:string):string =
let ffl = new FileInfo(filePath)
let nm = pref + ffl.Name
let newpath = ffl.DirectoryName+"\\"+nm
let FetchAsync (file:string)=
use stream = File.OpenRead(file)
let! bytes = stream.AsyncRead(int stream.Length)
use memstream = new MemoryStream(bytes)
use image = Image.FromStream(memstream)
use smallImage = ResizeImage(image)
let destFileName = DestFileName("_s2_",file)
smallImage.Save(destFileName )
| (ex:System.Exception) ->
printfn "%s" ex.Message
let myFunc =
let ddr = new DirectoryInfo (@"G:\IMGS\CATALOG")
let getName = (fun (x:FileInfo) -> x.FullName)
let files:string[] = ddr.GetFiles() |> getName
let tasks = [for file in files -> FetchAsync(file) ]
let parallelTasks = Async.Parallel tasks
Async.RunSynchronously parallelTasks |> ignore
let main argv =
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
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