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Created August 4, 2020 20:57
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Haskell gtk combobox
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.String
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.GC
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
import qualified Data.Text as T
data ListElement = ListElement { leName :: String , selected::String }
main :: IO ()
main = do
window <- windowNew
comboBox <- comboBoxNew
comboBox1 <- comboBoxNew
comboBoxSetModelText comboBox
comboBoxAppendText comboBox ("white"::T.Text)
comboBoxAppendText comboBox ("red"::T.Text)
comboBoxAppendText comboBox ("green"::T.Text)
comboBoxAppendText comboBox ("yellow"::T.Text)
comboBoxAppendText comboBox ("blue"::T.Text)
fixed <- fixedNew
fixedPut fixed comboBox (10,90)
fixedPut fixed comboBox1 (110,90)
on comboBox changed $ do
selIdx <- comboBoxGetActive comboBox
let str = getLst !! selIdx
putStrLn ((show selIdx)++" "++(T.unpack str))
widgetSetSizeRequest comboBox 80 35
widgetSetSizeRequest comboBox1 150 35
setupComboBox comboBox1 getLst
manListStore::(ListStore String) <- listStoreNew manufacturers
let elements = [ (ListElement "joe" " ") , (ListElement "bob" " ") ]
listStore::(ListStore ListElement) <- listStoreNew elements
treeview <- treeViewNewWithModel listStore :: IO TreeView
treeViewSetHeadersVisible treeview True
nameCol <- treeViewColumnNew
comboCol <- treeViewColumnNew
treeViewColumnSetTitle nameCol ("name"::String)
treeViewColumnSetTitle comboCol ("combo"::String)
nameRenderer <- cellRendererTextNew
comboRenderer <- cellRendererComboNew
cellLayoutPackStart nameCol nameRenderer True
cellLayoutPackStart comboCol comboRenderer True
treeViewAppendColumn treeview nameCol
treeViewAppendColumn treeview comboCol
cellLayoutSetAttributes nameCol nameRenderer listStore $
\x -> [cellText := leName x ]
cellLayoutSetAttributes comboCol comboRenderer listStore $ \x ->
[ cellTextEditable := True
, cellComboTextModel := (leListStore x, makeColumnIdString 0 :: ColumnId String String)
, cellComboHasEntry := False
, cellText := (selected x)
cellLayoutSetAttributeFunc comboCol comboRenderer listStore $
(\iter -> do (tmodel, colid) <- comboTextModel
(ListElement a b) <- treeModelGetRow listStore iter
set comboRenderer [ cellVisible := True
, cellComboTextModel := (tmodel, colid)
, cellTextEditable := True
, cellComboHasEntry := False
, cellText := b])
-- here is where we will set the combo options!!!!
_ <- on comboRenderer editingStarted $ \widget treepath -> do
case treepath of
[k] -> do
listElement <- listStoreGetValue listStore k
comboListStore <- comboBoxSetModelText (castToComboBox widget)
mapM_ (listStoreAppend comboListStore . T.pack) manufacturers
ks -> error $ "bad treepath for liststore: " ++ show ks
-- an action when the combo box is edited
_ <- on comboRenderer edited $ \_treePath newVal -> do
case _treePath of
[k] -> do
(ListElement a b) <- listStoreGetValue listStore k
let toStore = ListElement a newVal
listStoreSetValue listStore k toStore
putStrLn $ "combo box edited, new value: " ++ newVal
fixedPut fixed treeview (10,150)
widgetSetSizeRequest treeview 500 300
containerAdd window fixed
onDestroy window mainQuit
windowSetDefaultSize window 800 600
windowSetPosition window WinPosCenter
widgetShowAll window
getLst = [("Sony"::T.Text), ("LG"::T.Text), ("Panasonic"::T.Text), ("Toshiba"::T.Text), ("Nokia"::T.Text), ("Samsung"::T.Text)]
manufacturers = [("Sony"::String), ("LG"::String), ("Panasonic"::String), ("Toshiba"::String), ("Nokia"::String), ("Samsung"::String)]
comboTextModel = do store <- listStoreNew []
let column = makeColumnIdString 0 :: ColumnId String String
return (store, column)
setupComboBox :: ComboBox ->[T.Text]-> IO ()
setupComboBox comboBox lst = do
cellLayoutClear comboBox
store::(ListStore T.Text) <- listStoreNew([]::[ T.Text])
comboBoxSetModel comboBox (Just store)
setupListStore store lst -- must not precede the comboBoxSetModel statement
let colId = (makeColumnIdString 0 :: ColumnId T.Text T.Text)
customStoreSetColumn store colId id
comboBoxSetEntryTextColumn comboBox colId
ren <- cellRendererTextNew
fnt <- fontDescriptionNew
fontDescriptionSetFamily fnt ("Serif"::String)
fontDescriptionSetWeight fnt WeightBold
fontDescriptionSetSize fnt 14
set ren [cellTextFontDesc := fnt]
cellLayoutPackStart comboBox ren True
cellLayoutSetAttributes comboBox ren store setAttributesOfRenderer
comboBoxSetActive comboBox 0
widgetSetSizeRequest comboBox (-1) 38
setupListStore :: (ListStore T.Text) -> [T.Text]-> IO ()
setupListStore store lst = do
mapM_ (\x -> listStoreAppend store x) lst
return ()
setAttributesOfRenderer :: T.Text -> [AttrOp CellRendererText]
setAttributesOfRenderer a =
[cellText := a]
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