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Last active July 6, 2020 21:32
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Toying around Freer monad with Tic-Tac-Toe
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.Random
import Data.List
import Data.String
import Control.Natural (type (~>))
import Control.Monad.Freer
, LastMember
, Member
, interpret
, interpretM
, send
, run
, runM
initState = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" ]
winners = [[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7,8],[0,3,6], [1,4,7], [2,5,8],[0,4,8], [2,4,6] ]
makeBoardString :: [String]->String
makeBoardString myBoard = res
empty = " " ; vLine = " | " ; hLine = "\n-------------------\n"
rows = map (\x->empty ++ ( intercalate vLine $ take 3 $ drop x myBoard)) [0,3,6]
res = (rows !!0) ++ hLine ++ (rows !!1) ++ hLine ++ (rows !!2) ++ "\n\n"
changeListElemByIndex lst stVal index = take index lst ++ [stVal] ++ drop (index + 1) lst
machineTurn ::[String] -> IO Int
machineTurn myBoard = do
let leng = length $ filter (\q-> q /= "X" && q /= "@") myBoard
let zipped = filter (\(p,q) -> q /= "X" && q /= "@") $ zip [0..] myBoard
if leng == 1 then return (fst $ zipped !! 0)
else do
randomIndex <- randomRIO (0, (length zipped)-1):: IO Int
let boardElemIndex = fst $ zipped !! randomIndex
if (myBoard!! 4 /="X" &&(myBoard!! 4 /="@")) then return 4 else return boardElemIndex
makeHumanTurn::[String] -> IO ([String],Int)
makeHumanTurn myBoard = do
putStrLn "Your turn"
myTurnPos <- getLine
let intPos = read myTurnPos :: Int
let vStr = changeListElemByIndex myBoard "X" intPos
return (vStr,intPos)
makeMachineTurn::[String] -> IO [String]
makeMachineTurn myBoard = do
intPos <- machineTurn myBoard
let vStr = changeListElemByIndex myBoard "@" intPos
return vStr
isGameEnd :: [String] -> Bool
isGameEnd strArr = flag
allTheSame xs = all (== head xs) (tail xs)
isMyLineFilled= \iArr strArr -> allTheSame (map (\x->strArr !! x) ( map (\d-> iArr !! d ) [0..2]))
filledLinesList = filter (\xc-> xc == True) (map (\x -> isMyLineFilled x strArr ) winners)
flag = if (length filledLinesList == 0) then True else False
firstCleanThenShow :: String -> IO()
firstCleanThenShow str = do
setCursorPosition 0 0
putStrLn str
data Console r where
ShowMyBoard :: String -> Console ()
WriteLine :: String -> Console ()
HumanTurn :: [String] -> Console ([String],Int)
PcTurn :: [String] -> Console [String]
humanTurn :: Member Console effs => [String]-> Eff effs ([String],Int)
humanTurn srr = send $ HumanTurn srr
pcTurn ::Member Console effs => [String]-> Eff effs [String]
pcTurn srr = send $ PcTurn srr
writeLine :: Member Console effs => String -> Eff effs ()
writeLine string = send $ WriteLine string
showMyBoard :: Member Console effs => String -> Eff effs ()
showMyBoard string = send $ ShowMyBoard string
interpretIO ::
(LastMember IO effs, Member IO effs) => Eff (Console ': effs) ~> Eff effs
interpretIO =
WriteLine msg -> putStrLn msg
ShowMyBoard msg -> firstCleanThenShow msg
HumanTurn arr -> makeHumanTurn arr
PcTurn arr -> makeMachineTurn arr
game:: Member Console effs => ([String],Bool) -> Eff effs ()
game (stl,whosTurn) = do
if (whosTurn==True) then do
vStr <- pcTurn stl
showMyBoard $ makeBoardString vStr
if (isGameEnd vStr) == False then do
writeLine "GAME END PC wins"
return ()
else game (vStr,False)
else do
showMyBoard $ makeBoardString stl
(vStr,intPos) <- humanTurn stl
if (intPos < 0 || intPos > 8)
then do
writeLine "Game has been stopped"
return ()
if (isGameEnd vStr) == False then do
showMyBoard $ makeBoardString vStr
writeLine "GAME END Human wins"
return ()
else do
showMyBoard $ makeBoardString vStr
game (vStr,True)
main :: IO ()
main = do
runM . interpretIO $ game (initState,False)
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- freer-simple
- natural-transformation
- ansi-terminal
- random
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