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Created December 3, 2019 11:57
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Text.Read
data Car = Car{year:: Int, mark:: T.Text, model:: T.Text, comment:: T.Text, price:: Float } -- Double
-- a b c d e
csvS = (T.pack "1997;Ford;E350;ac, abs, moon;3000.00")
csvE = (T.pack "1997;Ford;E350;ac, abs, moon;3000.00\n\
\1996; Jeep; Grand Cherokee; MUST SELL! air, moon roof, loaded; 4799.00\n\
\1999;Chevy;Venture \"Extended Edition\"; ; 4900.00")
main = do
let maybeCars = catMaybes $ map (\x->csvCarParser x) $ T.lines csvE
mapM_ (\car->showCar car) maybeCars
putStrLn "--"
showCar::Car -> IO()
showCar cr = putStrLn $ "Car, year: " ++ (show (year cr)) ++"| mark: "++(T.unpack (mark cr))++"| model: "++(T.unpack (model cr))++"| comment: "++(T.unpack (comment cr))++"| price: "++(show (price cr))
generalFunc1 :: T.Text -> (T.Text->Maybe a)-> Maybe ( a,T.Text)
generalFunc1 txt convFunc =
if (isJust ltVal) == True then Just ( (fromJust ltVal),tail) else Nothing
where ltVal = (convFunc taken)
tail = (T.drop len txt)
len = (T.length taken)+1
taken = T.strip $ T.takeWhile (/=';') txt
generalFunc :: T.Text -> (T.Text->Maybe a)-> Maybe ( a,T.Text)
generalFunc txt convFunc =
if (isJust ltVal) == True then Just ( (fromJust ltVal),(T.drop 1 (snd taken))) else Nothing
where ltVal = (convFunc $ T.strip $ fst taken)
taken = T.breakOn ";" txt
getString :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
getString txt = Just txt
getInt :: T.Text -> Maybe Int
getInt txt = readMaybe (T.unpack txt) :: Maybe Int
getFloat :: T.Text -> Maybe Float
getFloat txt = readMaybe (T.unpack txt) :: Maybe Float
getDouble :: T.Text -> Maybe Double
getDouble txt = readMaybe (T.unpack txt) :: Maybe Double
csvCarParser :: T.Text -> Maybe Car
csvCarParser input = do
(a, last ) <- generalFunc input getInt
(b, last2) <- generalFunc last getString
(c, last3) <- generalFunc last2 getString
(d, last4) <- generalFunc last3 getString
(e, last5) <- generalFunc last4 getFloat
Just (Car a b c d e)
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