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Created November 2, 2017 02:50
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public class TypeTuple : IEquatable<TypeTuple>
public bool Equals(TypeTuple other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
return EqualityComparer<Type>.Default.Equals(this.Source, other.Source) &&
EqualityComparer<Type>.Default.Equals(this.Destination, other.Destination);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as TypeTuple);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ((Source?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) << 16) ^ ((Destination?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) & 65535);
public static bool operator ==(TypeTuple left, TypeTuple right)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, left)) return ReferenceEquals(null, right);
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(TypeTuple left, TypeTuple right)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, left)) return !ReferenceEquals(null, right);
return !left.Equals(right);
public Type Source { get; }
public Type Destination { get; }
public TypeTuple(Type source, Type destination)
this.Source = source;
this.Destination = destination;
public class TypeTuple2<T1, T2> : IEquatable<TypeTuple2<T1, T2>>
public bool Equals(TypeTuple2<T1, T2> other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
return EqualityComparer<T1>.Default.Equals(this.Source, other.Source) &&
EqualityComparer<T2>.Default.Equals(this.Destination, other.Destination);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as TypeTuple2<T1, T2>);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ((Source?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) << 16) ^ ((Destination?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) & 65535);
public static bool operator ==(TypeTuple2<T1, T2> left, TypeTuple2<T1, T2> right)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, left)) return ReferenceEquals(null, right);
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(TypeTuple2<T1, T2> left, TypeTuple2<T1, T2> right)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, left)) return !ReferenceEquals(null, right);
return !left.Equals(right);
public T1 Source { get; }
public T2 Destination { get; }
public TypeTuple2(T1 source, T2 destination)
this.Source = source;
this.Destination = destination;
public class StructTypeTuple : IEquatable<StructTypeTuple>
public bool Equals(StructTypeTuple other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
return Source == other.Source && Destination == other.Destination;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as StructTypeTuple);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ((Source?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) << 16) ^ ((Destination?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) & 65535);
public static bool operator ==(StructTypeTuple left, StructTypeTuple right)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, left)) return ReferenceEquals(null, right);
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(StructTypeTuple left, StructTypeTuple right)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, left)) return !ReferenceEquals(null, right);
return !left.Equals(right);
public Type Source { get; }
public Type Destination { get; }
public StructTypeTuple(Type source, Type destination)
this.Source = source;
this.Destination = destination;
class CustomerDto
class Customer
public class DelegateStorageRetrieve
private Dictionary<(Type, Type), Delegate> dictTupleStorage = new Dictionary<(Type, Type), Delegate>();
private Dictionary<TypeTuple, Delegate> dictTypeTupleStorage = new Dictionary<TypeTuple, Delegate>();
private Dictionary<TypeTuple2<Type, Type>, Delegate> genDictTypeTupleStorage = new Dictionary<TypeTuple2<Type, Type>, Delegate>();
private Dictionary<System.Tuple<Type, Type>, Delegate> regularDictTypeTupleStorage = new Dictionary<System.Tuple<Type, Type>, Delegate>();
private Dictionary<StructTypeTuple, Delegate> dictStructTypeTupleStorage = new Dictionary<StructTypeTuple, Delegate>();
public void Init()
Func<CustomerDto, Customer> activator = (x) => new Customer();
dictTupleStorage.Add((typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer)), activator);
dictTypeTupleStorage.Add(new TypeTuple(typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer)), activator);
genDictTypeTupleStorage.Add(new TypeTuple2<Type, Type>(typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer)), activator);
dictStructTypeTupleStorage.Add(new StructTypeTuple(typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer)), activator);
regularDictTypeTupleStorage.Add(new Tuple<Type, Type>(typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer)), activator);
public Delegate DictionaryTuple()
var key = (typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer));
return dictTupleStorage[key];
public Delegate DictionaryTypeTuple()
var key = new TypeTuple(typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer));
return dictTypeTupleStorage[key];
public Delegate DictionaryGenericTypeTuple()
var key = new TypeTuple2<Type, Type>(typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer));
return genDictTypeTupleStorage[key];
public Delegate DictionaryStructTypeTuple()
var key = new StructTypeTuple(typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer));
return dictStructTypeTupleStorage[key];
public Delegate DictionarySystemTuple()
var key = new Tuple<Type, Type>(typeof(CustomerDto), typeof(Customer));
return regularDictTypeTupleStorage[key];
// Results
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen 0 | Allocated |
--------------------------- |----------:|----------:|----------:|-------:|----------:|
DictionaryTuple | 101.18 ns | 0.4298 ns | 0.3810 ns | - | 0 B |
DictionaryTypeTuple | 72.63 ns | 0.2599 ns | 0.2304 ns | 0.0101 | 32 B |
DictionaryGenericTypeTuple | 99.30 ns | 1.7590 ns | 1.6454 ns | 0.0101 | 32 B |
DictionaryStructTypeTuple | 48.71 ns | 0.1830 ns | 0.1429 ns | 0.0101 | 32 B |
DictionarySystemTuple | 132.99 ns | 0.4867 ns | 0.3800 ns | 0.0100 | 32 B |
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