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Performance and V8 Debate

First post by Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz (Yahoo! Fellow, VP and Platform Architect) on V8 end of things with node.js. The post is dated February 6 2011.

NodeJS: To V8 or not to V8 hacker news discussion on this post.

Response by Jason Hoffman (Chief Scientist, Founder of Joyent) on the previous post. February 05, 2011 lol

On Bruno's Concern About the Current Coupling of node.js and V8

The answer by Bruno.

Yahoo Principal Engineer (and current "Desperado at Facebook") Peter Greiss has waded into the debate as well. A very technical post though.

NodeJS and V8

A follow up by Bruno after 10 months. September 11, 2011

Ahead with Node.JS and Google V8

Experiences and Maturity

February 3rd, 2012

This is the first post in a series of 3 about my experiences with Node.js. I will follow up with posts that including my experiences porting a RESTful service from Java, some benchmarks comparing the Node.js service and the Java service and my final thoughts from these experiences.

Experiences with Node.js: Researching Node

The ultimate goal in this Node.js research is to successfully port an existing RESTful service written in Java using Jersey (JAX-RS) running on Tomcat to JavaScript running on Node.js. Not only could the experience be gained of building a useful service with Node, but some basic performance testing could gain some insights to its power and the results compared. If things go well here, more time and energy could be invested into Node.

The port will use the ExpressJS library as the base framework. ExpressJS is a great web application framework for Node.js. It is very powerful and offers some great plugin to extend its functionality. In this example, the Express Resource plugin is used to handle resource routing. This too is very convenient and simplified creating individual routes. The ORM layer uses Sequelize, a powerful ORM on top of MySQL.

Experiences with Node.js: Porting a RESTful Service Written in Java

Like most technologists, I find great joy in learning new technologies… or mature technologies with a new twist. [Note that I am using mature in place of old here. I don't want anyone running away with the idea that JavaScript is old and washed up. That most certainly is not true.] Writing JavaScript applications in a context other than a browser is very interesting and proves yet again that the language is capable of so much more than showing and hiding sub-navigation menus. If you haven’t had an opportunity to pull down Node.js, I highly recommend any developer trying this out. It may drastically change the way you look at and think about JavaScript.

Experiences with Node.js: Final Thoughts

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