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Last active November 18, 2023 11:11
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How to ACTUALLY install MineOS (step-by-step, CentOS 8)
//How got it to work
//Download the Centos Stream 8 iso to a USB and install onto your target machine (Its easy as it has a GUI)
//Pick the 'Server with GUI' option as the Base enviroment when they ask for your software selection, as it made it easy and has some cool features
//Get into root
sudo -i
//Install nvm (makes installing node easier)
curl | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install 10
//node 10 is the only one that I found to work, going up or down broke things
//Add community repo (idk is it like the AUR?? Anyway some stuff didnt work until i did this)
dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
dnf install epel-release epel-next-release
//Install the stuffs
yum update -y
yum upgrade -y
yum -y install git wget openssl openssl-devel gcc-c++ make rsync screen rdiff-backup nodejs
//Install the webui
git config core.filemode false
chmod +x mineos_console.js webui.js
cp mineos.conf /etc/mineos.conf
cd /usr/games/minecraft
npm install --unsafe-perm
//If failed, do `nvm use 10 and npm rebuild --unsafe-perm`. Also consider doing `npm-install node-gyp`
//Generate SSL cert
//Make stuff executable
chmod +x ./webui.js
//Run the thing
systemctl enable mineos
systemctl start mineos
systemctl status mineos
//Check that the service is running
//Try to do ./webui.js. If it works, run
chmod +x ./
//Firewall stuff (I like ufw)
yum -y ufw
systemctl enable ufw
systemctl start ufw
ufw allow ssh
ufw allow 25565
ufw alllow 8443
//Install Java 17 (for minecraft 1.20)
sudo yum -y install ./jdk-17_linux-x64_bin.rpm
//Reboot before you try it out
sudo reboot now
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