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Last active December 16, 2015 00:08
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Save SeriousM/5344861 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script is able to push the source from one repository/branch to another repository/branch.


On windows you can specify file repositories with file:///\\<computer>\<path> (ex: file:///\\homepc\repos\git-backup.git).

It is always a good practice to postfix the folder with .git to indicate that this folder is a bare repository.

#./ [path_to_work_in] [ssh/http-origin] [ssh/http-destination] [origin-branch] [destination-branch]
echo ScriptName is $0
echo ParamCount is $#
if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then
echo The parameter count must be 5
exit 1
echo LocalGitPath is $1
echo GitRemoteOrigin is $2
echo GitRemoteDestination is $3
echo GitBranchOrigin is $4
echo GitBranchDestination is $5
if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
echo Local Git path does not exist, creating it
mkdir "$1"
echo Changing into local git path
cd $1
if [ ! -d "$1/HEAD" ]; then
echo Local Git Path contains no Git repository, init a new one
git init --bare "$1"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo Git init fails, exit
exit 1
echo Setting up the remotes
git remote rm origin
git remote rm destination
git remote add origin "$2"
git remote add destination "$3"
echo fetching orign branch "$4" from "$2"
git fetch origin $4:origin/$4 --force
if [ $LASTERROR -ne 0 ] && [ $LASTERROR -ne 128 ]; then #128 = no changes found
echo git fetch operation fails, exit
exit 1
echo pushing orign branch "$4" to destination "$3" branch "$5"
git push destination origin/$4:$5 --force
if [ $LASTERROR -ne 0 ] && [ $LASTERROR -ne 128 ]; then #128 = no changes found
echo git push operation fails, exit
exit 1
echo done
exit 0
:: ./sync_repos_full.bat [ssh/http-origin] [ssh/http-destination]
SET sourceRepository=%1
SET targetRepository=%2
IF "%1"=="" (
SET error_msg=sourceRepository is missing
goto error
IF "%2"=="" (
SET error_msg=targetRepository is missing
goto error
IF EXIST .\HEAD (goto fetch) ELSE (goto init)
call git init --bare .
call git remote rm origin
call git remote rm destination
call git remote add origin "%sourceRepository%"
call git remote add destination "%targetRepository%"
call git fetch origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* --force
call git push destination --all --force -v
call git push destination --tags --force -v
goto exit
echo %error_msg%
echo --DONE--
#./ [path_to_work_in] [ssh/http-origin] [ssh/http-destination]
echo ScriptName is $0
echo ParamCount is $#
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo The parameter count must be 3
exit 1
echo LocalGitPath is $1
echo GitRemoteOrigin is $2
echo GitRemoteDestination is $3
if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
echo Local Git path does not exist, creating it
mkdir "$1"
echo Changing into local git path
cd $1
if [ ! -d "$1/HEAD" ]; then
echo Local Git Path contains no Git repository, init a new one
git init --bare "$1"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo Git init fails, exit
exit 1
echo Setting up the remotes
git remote rm origin
git remote rm destination
git remote add origin "$2"
git remote add destination "$3"
echo fetching orign "$2"
git fetch origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* --force
if [ $LASTERROR -ne 0 ] && [ $LASTERROR -ne 128 ]; then #128 = no changes found
echo git fetch operation fails, exit
exit 1
echo pushing branches to destination "$3"
git push destination --all --force -v
if [ $LASTERROR -ne 0 ] && [ $LASTERROR -ne 128 ]; then #128 = no changes found
echo git push operation fails, exit
exit 1
echo pushing tags to destination "$3"
git push destination --tags --force -v
if [ $LASTERROR -ne 0 ] && [ $LASTERROR -ne 128 ]; then #128 = no changes found
echo git push operation fails, exit
exit 1
echo done
exit 0
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