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Created January 15, 2020 15:14
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EZQuiz variant that randomizes the order of questions. First file is for editing/pre-production use, second file is for use in production.
(function (window, document) {
'use strict';
// primary object for functionality of the quizzes
window.EZQuiz = {
// exercise statistics
stats : {
problems : 0, // number of problems to solve in the lesson
solved : 0, // number of problems solved
mistakes : 0, // number of mistakes made in the lesson
score : 0, // the student's score
exclude : 0 // answers to exclude, mostly for text-only segments in multi-choice quizzes
// tells us if it is being used on a local file system so we can append index.html to URLs
local : window.location.protocol == 'file:' ? 'index.html' : '',
// scroll to the specified element: EZQuiz.scrollTo('#lesson-3')
// scrolling can be delayed by passing a value that evaluates to true (true; 1; '.') to the second param; delay
// the second param is mostly for script generated content, i.e. the exercises, since there's a small delay before the content is visible
scrollTo : function (el, delay) {
// check if el is a selector
if (typeof el == 'string') {
el = document.querySelector(el);
var scroll = function () {
document.body.scrollTop = el.offsetTop;
document.documentElement.scrollTop = el.offsetTop;
// scroll immediately or wait 100ms
// the latter is for exercises, where there's a slight delay before content is available
if (delay) {
setTimeout(scroll, 100);
} else {
// To generate a quiz simply pass an object with the necessary data (see vocab-1/index.html and other quiz files for examples)
generate : function (o) {
var zone = document.getElementById('quiz-zone'), // area where quizzes are inserted
quiz = '<div id="quiz-info">' + + '</div><div id="question-list">',
answers = '<div id="answer-list">',
option = 65, // used for tagging answers as A(65), B(66), C(67)..
isAnswer = false,
q = o.quiz,
i = 0,
j = q.length,
// create individual blocks for each question and hide them until later
var qNumber = 0;
while (q.length) {
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * q.length);
quiz += '<div id="quiz-q' + qNumber + '" class="question-block" data-qid="' + (qNumber + 1) + '" style="display:none;"><div class="quiz-multi-question">' + (typeof q[i].question != 'undefined' ? q[i].question + (q[i].image ? '<img class="quiz-image" src="../../../resources/images/test-images/' + q[i].image + '" alt="' + q[i].image + '">' : '') : '<div class="text-passage' + (q[i].vertical ? ' vertical-text' : '') + '" ' + (q[i].text.replace(/<br>/g, '').length < 50 ? 'style="text-align:center;"' : '') + '>' + q[i].text + '</div>' + (q[i].helper || '')) + '</div>';
// ready-only questions contain text only, no answers
if (q[i].text) {
quiz += '<div class="quiz-multi-row"><button class="quiz-multi-answer next-question" onclick="EZQuiz.progress(this, true);">NEXT</button></div>';
++EZQuiz.stats.exclude; // exclude this block from the overall score
} else { // standard question block construction
// add answers to the question block
while (q[i].answers.length) {
n = Math.floor(Math.random() * q[i].answers.length);
// answers that begin with "+" are the correct answer. '+True';
if (q[i].answers[n].charAt(0) == '+') {
isAnswer = true;
q[i].answers[n] = q[i].answers[n].slice(1);
quiz += '<div class="quiz-multi-row"><button class="quiz-multi-answer" data-answer="' + isAnswer + '" data-option="' + String.fromCharCode(option++) + '" onclick="EZQuiz.progress(this);">' + q[i].answers[n] + '</button></div>';
isAnswer = false;
q[i].answers.splice(n, 1);
quiz += '</div>'; // ends the question block
option = 65; // resets the option id so the next answers begin with A, B, C..
++EZQuiz.stats.problems; // increment problems number
q.splice(i, 1);
// add the multi-choice quiz to the quiz zone
zone.innerHTML = quiz + '</div><div id="quiz-progress"><div id="quiz-progress-bar"></div></div>';
// begin the quiz
// exercise timer
var timer = new Timer(),
clock = document.getElementById('quiz-timer');
clock.innerHTML = '00:00:00'; // placeholder
timer.addEventListener('secondsUpdated', function (e) {
clock.innerHTML = timer.getTimeValues().toString()
EZQuiz.timer = timer;
// indicate the exercise has been loaded in
document.getElementById('exercise').className += ' content-loaded ' + o.type + '-quiz';
// jump to the exercise title
EZQuiz.scrollTo('#exercise-title', true);
// increment the progress bar (for multi-choice quizzes)
incrementProgressBar : function () {
var bar = document.getElementById('quiz-progress-bar'),
progress = Math.floor((EZQuiz.stats.solved+1) / EZQuiz.stats.problems * 100); = progress + '%';
bar.innerHTML = '<span id="quiz-progress-text">' + (EZQuiz.stats.solved+1) + '/' + EZQuiz.stats.problems + '</span>';
// show the next question in a multi-choice quiz
progress : function (answer, exclude) {
if (answer == 'init') {
document.getElementById('quiz-q' + EZQuiz.stats.solved).style.display = '';
} else {
// mark the selected answer for reviews
answer.className += ' selected-answer';
// hide NEXT button for read-only questions
if (exclude) {
answer.parentNode.className += ' hidden-answer';
// increment mistakes if the chosen answer was wrong and add a class to the parent
if (answer.dataset.answer == 'false') {
answer.parentNode.parentNode.className += ' wrong-answer';
// if there's another question, show it and hide the last one
var last = document.getElementById('quiz-q' + EZQuiz.stats.solved++),
next = document.getElementById('quiz-q' + EZQuiz.stats.solved);
if (next) { = ''; // show the next question = 'none'; // hide the prior question
} else { // end the quiz if there's no new question
// show all questions and answers
for (var q = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="quiz-q"]'), i = 0, j = q.length; i < j; i++) {
q[i].style.display = '';
// hide the progress bar
document.getElementById('quiz-progress').style.display = 'none';
// ends the quiz
end : function () {
// calculate the total score based on problems solved and mistakes made
var solved = EZQuiz.stats.solved - EZQuiz.stats.exclude,
problems = EZQuiz.stats.problems - EZQuiz.stats.exclude;
EZQuiz.stats.score = Math.floor((solved - EZQuiz.stats.mistakes) * 100 / problems);
// hide the timer and store it so we can show the completion time in the results
var timer = document.getElementById('quiz-timer'),
wrong = 'The answers you selected that were wrong are outlined in <span class="t-red">red</span>. The correct answers are outlined in <span class="t-blue">blue</span>. Review these problems before trying again.'; = 'none';
// show the student their results
document.getElementById('quiz-result').innerHTML =
'<div id="complete-banner" class="center">Quiz Complete!</div>'+
'<div id="result-list">'+
'<div class="result-row"><span class="result-label">Problems Solved:</span>' + problems + '</div>'+
'<div class="result-row"><span class="result-label">Answers Wrong:</span>' + EZQuiz.stats.mistakes + '</div>'+
'<div class="result-row"><span class="result-label">Score:</span>' + EZQuiz.stats.score + '%</div>'+
'<div class="result-row"><span class="result-label">Completion Time:</span>' + timer.innerHTML + '</div>'+
'<div class="result-row center">'+
( // depending on the score, a specific message will show
EZQuiz.stats.score == 100 ? 'PERFECT! Great Job, you have mastered this quiz! Feel free to move on or challenge yourself by trying to beat your completion time.' :
EZQuiz.stats.score > 70 ? 'Nice work! ' + wrong :
'Keep studying! ' + wrong
'<div class="center">'+
'<a href="./' + EZQuiz.local + '" class="button">Try Again</a>'+
'<a href="' + document.getElementById('home-link').href + '" class="button">Back to Index</a>'+
// this class will indicate the quiz is over so post-test styles can be applied
document.getElementById('exercise').className += ' quiz-over';
EZQuiz.scrollTo('#complete-banner', true); // jump to the quiz results
}(window, document));
!function(e,s){"use strict";e.EZQuiz={stats:{problems:0,solved:0,mistakes:0,score:0,exclude:0},local:"file:"==e.location.protocol?"index.html":"",scrollTo:function(e,t){"string"==typeof e&&(e=s.querySelector(e));var i=function(){s.body.scrollTop=e.offsetTop,s.documentElement.scrollTop=e.offsetTop};t?setTimeout(i,100):i()},generate:function(e){for(var t,i=s.getElementById("quiz-zone"),a='<div id="quiz-info">''</div><div id="question-list">',r=65,l=!1,n=e.quiz,o=0,u=(n.length,0);n.length;){if(a+='<div id="quiz-q'+u+'" class="question-block" data-qid="'+(u+1)+'" style="display:none;"><div class="quiz-multi-question">'+(void 0!==n[o=Math.floor(Math.random()*n.length)].question?n[o].question+(n[o].image?'<img class="quiz-image" src="../../../resources/images/test-images/'+n[o].image+'" alt="'+n[o].image+'">':""):'<div class="text-passage'+(n[o].vertical?" vertical-text":"")+'" '+(n[o].text.replace(/<br>/g,"").length<50?'style="text-align:center;"':"")+">"+n[o].text+"</div>"+(n[o].helper||""))+"</div>",n[o].text)a+='<div class="quiz-multi-row"><button class="quiz-multi-answer next-question" onclick="EZQuiz.progress(this, true);">NEXT</button></div>',++EZQuiz.stats.exclude;else for(;n[o].answers.length;)t=Math.floor(Math.random()*n[o].answers.length),"+"==n[o].answers[t].charAt(0)&&(l=!0,n[o].answers[t]=n[o].answers[t].slice(1)),a+='<div class="quiz-multi-row"><button class="quiz-multi-answer" data-answer="'+l+'" data-option="'+String.fromCharCode(r++)+'" onclick="EZQuiz.progress(this);">'+n[o].answers[t]+"</button></div>",l=!1,n[o].answers.splice(t,1);a+="</div>",r=65,++EZQuiz.stats.problems,n.splice(o,1),u++}i.innerHTML=a+'</div><div id="quiz-progress"><div id="quiz-progress-bar"></div></div>',EZQuiz.progress("init");var d=new Timer,c=s.getElementById("quiz-timer");c.innerHTML="00:00:00",d.start(),d.addEventListener("secondsUpdated",function(e){c.innerHTML=d.getTimeValues().toString()}),EZQuiz.timer=d,s.getElementById("exercise").className+=" content-loaded "+e.type+"-quiz",EZQuiz.scrollTo("#exercise-title",!0)},incrementProgressBar:function(){var e=s.getElementById("quiz-progress-bar"),t=Math.floor((EZQuiz.stats.solved+1)/EZQuiz.stats.problems*100);"%",e.innerHTML='<span id="quiz-progress-text">'+(EZQuiz.stats.solved+1)+"/"+EZQuiz.stats.problems+"</span>"},progress:function(e,t){if("init"==e)s.getElementById("quiz-q"+EZQuiz.stats.solved).style.display="",EZQuiz.incrementProgressBar();else{e.className+=" selected-answer",t&&(e.parentNode.className+=" hidden-answer"),"false"==e.dataset.answer&&(e.parentNode.parentNode.className+=" wrong-answer",++EZQuiz.stats.mistakes);var i=s.getElementById("quiz-q"+EZQuiz.stats.solved++),a=s.getElementById("quiz-q"+EZQuiz.stats.solved);if(a)"","none",EZQuiz.incrementProgressBar();else{EZQuiz.end();for(var r=s.querySelectorAll('[id^="quiz-q"]'),l=0,n=r.length;l<n;l++)r[l].style.display="";s.getElementById("quiz-progress").style.display="none"}}},end:function(){var e=EZQuiz.stats.solved-EZQuiz.stats.exclude,t=EZQuiz.stats.problems-EZQuiz.stats.exclude;EZQuiz.stats.score=Math.floor(100*(e-EZQuiz.stats.mistakes)/t),EZQuiz.timer.stop();var i=s.getElementById("quiz-timer"),a='The answers you selected that were wrong are outlined in <span class="t-red">red</span>. The correct answers are outlined in <span class="t-blue">blue</span>. Review these problems before trying again.';"none",s.getElementById("quiz-result").innerHTML='<div id="complete-banner" class="center">Quiz Complete!</div><div id="result-list"><div class="result-row"><span class="result-label">Problems Solved:</span>'+t+'</div><div class="result-row"><span class="result-label">Answers Wrong:</span>'+EZQuiz.stats.mistakes+'</div><div class="result-row"><span class="result-label">Score:</span>'+EZQuiz.stats.score+'%</div><div class="result-row"><span class="result-label">Completion Time:</span>'+i.innerHTML+'</div><div class="result-row center">'+(100==EZQuiz.stats.score?"PERFECT! Great Job, you have mastered this quiz! Feel free to move on or challenge yourself by trying to beat your completion time.":EZQuiz.stats.score>70?"Nice work! "+a:"Keep studying! "+a)+'<div class="center"><a href="./'+EZQuiz.local+'" class="button">Try Again</a><a href="'+s.getElementById("home-link").href+'" class="button">Back to Index</a></div></div></div>',s.getElementById("exercise").className+=" quiz-over",EZQuiz.scrollTo("#complete-banner",!0)}}}(window,document);
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