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Last active April 17, 2020 18:20
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PHP implementation of JWT
// construct web token manager
$jwt = new JWT("SecretKey");
// ^ init JWT with a server side secret key ^
// sign token
$token = $jwt->sign([
"username" => "john doe"
"role" => "admin"
// ^ sign a token object and get a token string ^
// verify token
// ^ if the verification is successful, the token object will be returned ^
// ^ if it isn't, it will return false ^
class JWT {
// declare private secret property
private $secret;
// init
public function __construct($secret) {
// store secret
$this->secret = $secret;
// internal hash function
private function hash($str) {
return hash("sha256", $str);
// internal data encoding function
// this function base64 encodes a JSON string representation of the given data
// data being any object or array
private function encode($data) {
// encode as JSON, then base64 and then return the result
return base64_encode(json_encode($data));
// internal string decoding function
// this function decodes a base64 into a JSON string and then parses the JSON
private function decode($string) {
return json_decode(base64_decode($string));
public function sign($payload = []) {
// generate and encode header
$header = $this->encode([
"alg" => "SHA256",
"typ" => "JWT"
// generate and append initiated at property
$payload["iat"] = date("c");
// encode payload
$payload = $this->encode($payload);
// fetch token secret
$secret = $this->secret;
// generate signature
$signature = $this->hash($header . "." . $payload . $secret);
return $header . "." . $payload . "." . $signature;
public function verify($token) {
$parts = explode(".", $token);
if (count($parts) <= 2) {
// failed validation
return false;
$header = $parts[0];
$payload = $parts[1];
$signature = $parts[2];
$generatedSignature = $this->hash($header . "." . $payload . $this->secret);
if ($signature == $generatedSignature) {
try {
$header = $this->decode($header);
$payload = $this->decode($payload);
} catch (exception $err) {
return false;
return $payload;
} else {
return false;
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