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Last active January 21, 2019 20:00
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# Download the Free GeoIP DB
import-module .\Get-IPrange.ps1
Function Get-GeoIPAllCities([string]$InputFile){
$fileContents = Import-Csv -Delimiter ',' -Path $InputFile
$arrayAllCity = @()
foreach ($l in $fileContents){
$arrayAllCity += $l.City
$arrayAllCity = $arrayAllCity | sort -unique
RETURN $arrayAllCity
Function Get-GeoIPCityInfo([string]$InputFile, [string]$City, [string]$OutputFile){
# Import as a CSV the Colorado.txt CSV file
$fileContents = Import-Csv -Delimiter ',' -Path $InputFile
# Create a new blank file that will be named colorado-%city_name%.txt
# Iterate through the CSV line by line
foreach ($l in $fileContents){
# Filter out the results by city
if ($($ -eq "$City"){
Write-host " [+] $($l.IP_START),$($l.IP_STOP),$($l.COUNTRY),$($l.STATE),$($l.CITY),$($l.ZIPCODE),$($l.TIMEZONE)" -foregroundcolor CYAN
# Use the IP Range script to get the list of IP's
$ipRange = Get-IPrange -start $(([System.Net.IPAddress]$($l.IP_START)).IPAddressToString) -end $(([System.Net.IPAddress]$($l.IP_STOP)).IPAddressToString)
# Iterate through each IP and append the results to the file we created earlier
foreach ($ip in $ipRange){
if ($ip.split('.')[-1] -notlike 0 -AND $ip.split('.')[-1] -notlike 255){
"$($ip),$($l.COUNTRY),$($l.STATE),$($l.CITY),$($l.LATITUDE),$($l.LONGITUDE),$($l.ZIPCODE),$($l.TIMEZONE)" | out-file -filepath $OutputFile -append
# MAIN #
# Create colorado.txt CSV file with headers
# The CSV only contains IP's from Colorado
# Get the contents of the GeoIP DB and then filter on index 4 (city) for colorado
gc .\IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB11.CSV | ?{$($_.split(',')[4]) -like "*colorado*"} | out-file -filepath "colorado.txt" -append
# Get all the city names
Write-host " [+] Pulling City Names" -foregroundcolor green
$allCityNames = Get-GeoIPAllCities -InputFile .\colorado.txt
# Go through each city and export the ips into individual files
foreach ($city in $allCityNames){
$formatedCityName = $city.trim().replace(" ","_")
Write-host " [+] Exporting: $($City)" -foregroundcolor green
Get-GeoIPCityInfo -InputFile .\colorado.txt -City "$($city)" -OutputFile ".\colorado-$($formatedCityName).txt"
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