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Last active March 28, 2023 13:11
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My cheatsheet

Extend yup methods in TypeScript

jquense/yup#312 (comment)

Delete merged branches

To delete all local branches that are already merged into the currently checked out branch:

git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|master|main|dev)" | xargs git branch -d

Original answer:

Check SHA 512 checksum on macOS

shasum -a 512 /path/to/file

Original post:

Prevent flex items from overflowing a container

Add min-width: 0; to the overflowing item.

.overflowing {
  min-width: 0;

Original answer:

Reset author for a series of commits

git config CORRECT_EMAIL
git rebase YOUR_SHA -x "git commit --amend --reset-author"

Original answer:

Fix semantic-release not detecting existing releases on prerelease channels when adding semantic-release to an existing repo

Follow this guide Although its title does not resemble this specific problem but the machanism is the same.

Original answer: semantic-release/semantic-release#2238 (comment)

Error: Cannot find module 'ajv/dist/compile/codegen'

webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin#875 (comment)

(Guess this should not be in the cheatsheet but be in a personal knowledge base thing)

You must provide the URL of lib/mappings.wasm by calling Sourceltapconsumer.initialize...

Upgrade your Jest to v28 and above that does not use the then-boken source-map package.

Original comment: nodejs/node#42638 (comment)

Another workaround is adding NODE_OPTIONS=--no-experimental-fetch environment variable.

(Guess this should not be in the personal knowledge base too)

semantic-release in GitHub Actions throws "Write access to repository not granted"

Enable "Read and write permissions" in repo's Settings -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions.

The minimum required permissions of GITHUB_TOKEN by semantic-release:

  • contents: write to be able to publish a GitHub release
  • issues: write to be able to comment on released issues
  • pull-requests: write to be able to comment on released pull requests


Build tool versions supporting TypeScript satisfies operator

Tool Version
tsc 4.9.0
esbuild 0.15.13

Link local repo with newly created repo using GitHub CLI

gh repo create --source .

Original answer cli/cli#6981 (comment)

"Xcode must be fully installed before you can continue" in React Native

Run this

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/'

Original answer expo/expo#21727 (comment)

Find and process on port 3000

lsof -i tcp:3000

Original answer:

Mirrors for installing packages in China


npm config set sharp_binary_host ""
npm config set sharp_libvips_binary_host ""

Original answer

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