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Last active June 8, 2017 17:03
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  • Save SgtPooki/6937749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SgtPooki/6937749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple test to see how long it takes a random alphanumeric function to generate a duplicate string.
***** This will no longer lock up your browser tab, but it will not find a match for a very long time ****
***** Do not run this in a tab you do not want to reload ****
* This was just me playing around trying to see if I could get a duplicate random string
* when using the Math.random().toString(radix) method.
* I had planned to implement web workers with this as well so that I could let it
* keep running forever and just see how long it took to get a duplicate string, but setTimout and setInterval work just fine...
var radix = 32;
var getRandomString = function() { return Math.random().toString(radix).slice(2); };
var stringToMatch = getRandomString();
window.matchesArray = [];
window.matchesTried = 0;
var startTime =;
var generatedStrings = [];
var timeElapsed = 0;
var endTime;
var newStringInterval;
var matchCheckInterval = 1000;
var generateNewString = function generateNewString() {
var checkForMatches = function checkForMatches() {
endTime = - startTime;
if (generatedStrings.indexOf(stringToMatch) === -1) {
matchesTried += generatedStrings.length - 1;
generatedStrings = [];
console.log('no match found from ' + matchesTried + ' different matches in ' + (endTime/1000)/60 + ' minutes.');
return setTimeout(checkForMatches, matchCheckInterval);
} else {
console.log('Matched on ' + stringToMatch + ' in ' + (endTime/1000)/60 + ' minutes');
newStringInterval = setInterval(generateNewString, 0);
setTimeout(checkForMatches, matchCheckInterval);
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