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Created August 26, 2019 00:00
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Generated by XState Viz:
// Available variables:
// - Machine
// - interpret
// - assign
// - send
// - sendParent
// - spawn
// - raise
// - actions
// - XState (all XState exports)
const fetchMachine = Machine({
id: 'root',
initial: 'SelectTutorial',
states: {
SelectTutorial: {
onEntry: ['createWebview'],
initial: 'Initial',
states: {
Initial: {
on: {
Startup: {
onEntry: ['newOrContinue'],
on: {
CONTINUE: 'ContinueTutorial',
NEW: 'NewTutorial',
NewTutorial: {
initial: 'SelectTutorial',
states: {
SelectTutorial: {
on: {
TUTORIAL_START: 'InitializeTutorial',
InitializeTutorial: {
onEntry: ['tutorialLaunch'],
on: {
TUTORIAL_LOADED: '#tutorial',
ContinueTutorial: {
onEntry: ['tutorialContinue'],
on: {
TUTORIAL_START: '#tutorial-load-next',
Tutorial: {
id: 'tutorial',
initial: 'Initialize',
onEntry: ['tutorialSetup'],
on: {
WEBVIEW_INITIALIZED: '#tutorial-load-next'
states: {
Initialize: {
onEntry: ['initializeNewTutorial'],
after: {
0: 'Summary',
LoadNext: {
id: 'tutorial-load-next',
after: {
0: [{
target: 'Stage',
cond: 'hasNextStep',
target: 'Stage',
cond: 'hasNextStage',
target: 'Level',
cond: 'hasNextLevel',
target: '#completed-tutorial',
Summary: {
on: {
NEXT: 'Level',
Level: {
onEntry: ['loadLevel'],
on: {
NEXT: 'Stage',
BACK: 'Summary',
Stage: {
onEntry: ['loadStage', 'stepLoadCommits'],
initial: 'Normal',
states: {
Normal: {
on: {
TEST_RUN: 'TestRunning',
actions: ['callSolution'],
TestRunning: {
onEntry: ['testStart'],
on: {
TEST_PASS: 'TestPass',
TEST_FAIL: 'TestFail',
TestPass: {
onEntry: ['testPass', 'progressUpdate'],
onExit: ['stepLoadNext'],
after: {
1000: 'StepNext',
TestFail: {
onEntry: ['testFail'],
after: {
0: 'Normal',
StepNext: {
after: {
0: [
target: 'Normal',
cond: 'hasNextStep',
actions: ['stepLoadCommits'],
target: 'StageComplete',
StageComplete: {
on: {
target: '#tutorial-load-next',
actions: ['updatePosition'],
Completed: {
id: 'completed-tutorial',
type: 'final',
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