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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Sumatosoft task.
# Sumatosoft task:
# Find probability of sum of thrown dice.
# Input:
# M - dice count (positive integer)
# N - sum (positive integer)
# Output:
# probability (rounded)
# Solution:
# Probability equals to count valid permutations of dice values for
# sum divided by all possible permutations of dice values.
# All possible permutations is 6 in dice count factor (6**dice_count).
# Count of dice values permutations for sum is binomial coefficient.
# Dice count and sum is diagonal and row in Passcal's triangle - it is
# parameters to calculate binomial coefficient.
# But because of limits for dice value (from 1 to 6), there are sum
# values which cannot be created with every dice value for each dice.
# For example with 3 dice, and sum 9; when the first dice has value 1
# and the second dice has value 1, the third dice should have value 7.
# And this is impossible. So count of permutations is not correct
# binomial coefficient. It is correct only for first 6 smallest
# possible sum (e.g. above it is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). The next 6
# sum will have less count of permutations. We need to subtract from
# result values of binomial coefficient for all lower sum with step 6
# multiplied by values of sum starting with second possible.
# Formula looks like:
# F(sum) = BK - S(k=1..last) [ F(f_p_sum + k) * F(sum - 6*k) ) ]
# Where:
# F(sum) - is function to find correct count of permutations for sum
# BK - is binomial coefficient
# S(k=1..last) [ ... ] - is sum of 'k' values in []
# last - is last time calculating value in []. which is
# when (sum - 6*last) give one of first smallest sum
# f_p_sum - is first possible sum which equals dice count
# Example 1: dice count is 3, sum is 11
# F(11) = BK - (F(3+1)*F(11-6)) = BK - (F(4)*F(5))
# Example 2: dice count is 10, sum is 31
# F(31) = BK - (F(11)*F(25) + F(12)*F(19) + F(13)*F(13))
# NOTE: Cause there is a lot of F(sum) calculations, it is good idea
# to cache result of those to be used next time it is needed!!
# With caching there will be something like O(k) calculations
# of F(sum), instead of something like O(2^k) calculations of
# F(sum) without cache. 'k' is parameter from previous formula.
# E.g. when dice count is 10 and sum is 31, with cache there
# are O(3) calculations, instead of 0(2^3) = O(8) without cache.
# And with dice count is 100 and sum is 345, with cache there
# are O(40) calculations, instead of without cache
# O(2^40) ~ O(1_000_000_000_000) calculations.
# Solution performance for cpu is O(k) and for memory O(k). Yey!! :)
def binomial_coefficient(n, m)
((n - m + 1)..n).inject(&:*) / (1..m).inject(&:*)
def valid_permutations_count(dice_count, sum)
return PERMUT_CACHE[[dice_count, sum]] if PERMUT_CACHE[[dice_count, sum]]
original_sum = sum
result = binomial_coefficient(sum - 1, dice_count - 1)
# correct result
correction_count = (sum - dice_count) / DICE_MAX_VALUE
(1..correction_count).each do |k|
result -= valid_permutations_count(dice_count, k + dice_count) * valid_permutations_count(dice_count, sum)
PERMUT_CACHE[[dice_count, original_sum]] = result
def calculate_probability(dice_count, sum)
# not real variants
return 0 if (sum < dice_count) || (sum > (DICE_MAX_VALUE * dice_count))
# use symmetry for sum value
temp = dice_count * (DICE_MAX_VALUE + 1)
sum = temp - sum if sum > temp / 2
# do not count valid permutations with one dice
permutations_count = (dice_count == 1 || sum == dice_count) ? 1 : valid_permutations_count(dice_count, sum)
permutations_count / (DICE_MAX_VALUE**dice_count).to_f
puts "Give me dice count (M)"
dice_count = gets.to_i
while dice_count < 1
puts "Try again. Dice count (M) should be positive integer"
dice_count = gets.to_i
puts "Give me sum (N)"
sum = gets.to_i
while sum < 1
puts "Try again. Sum (N) should be positive integer"
sum = gets.to_i
puts "Probability: #{calculate_probability(dice_count, sum)}"
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