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Last active May 7, 2018 00:19
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Rudimentary Nix expression for building Waterfox from source
diff -rupN Waterfox/security/sandbox/linux/SandboxOpenedFiles.cpp Waterfox-fixed/security/sandbox/linux/SandboxOpenedFiles.cpp
--- Waterfox/security/sandbox/linux/SandboxOpenedFiles.cpp 2018-04-09 14:01:19.623899549 +1000
+++ Waterfox-fixed/security/sandbox/linux/SandboxOpenedFiles.cpp 2018-04-22 01:40:21.285220672 +1000
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "mozilla/Move.h"
#include "SandboxLogging.h"
+#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
waterfox-unwrapped = callPackage ./waterfox.nix {
# #
# stdenv = overrideCC stdenv gcc5;
# stdenv = overrideCC clangStdenv gcc5;
stdenv = llvmPackages_6.libcxxStdenv;
inherit (gnome2) libIDL;
libpng = libpng_apng;
python = python2;
gnused = gnused_422;
icu = icu59;
hunspell = pkgs.hunspell.override {
stdenv = llvmPackages_6.libcxxStdenv;
in wrapFirefox waterfox-unwrapped {})
nixpkgs.config.waterfox = {
# enableAdobeFlash = true;
icedtea = true;
enableVLC = true;
// Use LANG environment variable to choose locale
pref("intl.locale.matchOS", true);
// Disable default browser checking.
pref("", false);
// Don't disable our bundled extensions in the application directory
pref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 11);
pref("extensions.shownSelectionUI", true);
{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, makeDesktopItem
, pkgconfig, autoconf213, bzip2, cairo
, dbus, dbus-glib, file, fontconfig, freetype
, hunspell, icu, libevent, libjpeg, libnotify
, libstartup_notification, libvpx, makeWrapper, libGLU_combined
, nspr, nss, pango, perl, python, sqlite
, unzip, xorg, which, yasm, zip, zlib, libIDL, libpng
, rustc, cargo, jemalloc, gnused, ensureNewerSourcesHook
## Optionals
### Optional Libraries
, alsaSupport ? true, alsaLib
, pulseaudioSupport ? true, libpulseaudio
, ffmpegSupport ? true, gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst_all_1
, gtk3Support ? true, gtk2, gtk3, wrapGAppsHook
### privacy-related options
, privacySupport ? true
, webrtcSupport ? !privacySupport
, geolocationSupport ? !privacySupport
, googleAPISupport ? !privacySupport
, crashreporterSupport ? false
, safeBrowsingSupport ? false
, drmSupport ? false
flag = tf: x: [(if tf then "--enable-${x}" else "--disable-${x}")];
gcc = if then else;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "waterfox-${version}";
version = "56.1.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "MrAlex94";
repo = "Waterfox";
rev = "8864091a01f1fbbce361d654a4bae96ad20e2211";
# 56.1.0: sha256 = "08kfxqw4c1ir2d782v5y40pp7nwaj5pzapkk64b10k7i9l5yyypx";
sha256 = "19siqabdvq7nsnjawbllh8q5iv1a7pwb7nhi0027x5xdqs01723k";
src_vendorjs = ./vendor.js;
patches = [
desktopItem = makeDesktopItem {
name = "waterfox";
exec = "waterfox %U";
icon = "waterfox";
desktopName = "Waterfox";
genericName = "Web Browser";
categories = "Application;Network;WebBrowser;";
mimeType = stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ";" [
buildInputs = [
bzip2 cairo dbus dbus-glib file fontconfig freetype
hunspell icu libevent libjpeg libnotify libstartup_notification
libvpx makeWrapper libGLU_combined nspr nss pango perl pkgconfig
sqlite unzip yasm zip zlib libIDL libpng
jemalloc gtk2
] ++ (with xorg; [
libX11 libXext libXft libXi libXrender libXScrnSaver
libXt pixman scrnsaverproto xextproto
++ lib.optional alsaSupport alsaLib
++ lib.optional pulseaudioSupport libpulseaudio
++ lib.optionals ffmpegSupport [ gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst_all_1.gst-plugins-base ]
++ lib.optional gtk3Support gtk3;
nativeBuildInputs = [
autoconf213 which gnused pkgconfig perl python cargo rustc
(ensureNewerSourcesHook { year = "1980"; })
++ lib.optional gtk3Support wrapGAppsHook;
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-I${}/include/nspr -I${}/include/nss";
preConfigure = ''
# remove distributed configuration files
rm -f configure
rm -f js/src/configure
rm -f .mozconfig*
make -f configure-files
configureScript="$(realpath ./configure)"
cxxLib=$( echo -n ${gcc}/include/c++/* )
archLib=$cxxLib/$( ${gcc}/bin/gcc -dumpmachine )
# Optimization
export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,norelro,-O3,--sort-common,--as-needed,--relax,-z,combreloc,-z,global,--no-omagic"
configureFlagsArray+=(--enable-optimize="-O3 -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -mtune=native -fcolor-diagnostics -w")
'' + lib.optionalString googleAPISupport ''
# Google API key used by Chromium and Firefox.
# Note: These are for NixOS/nixpkgs use ONLY. For your own distribution,
# please get your own set of keys.
echo "AIzaSyDGi15Zwl11UNe6Y-5XW_upsfyw31qwZPI" > $TMPDIR/ga
'' + ''
cd obj-*
configureFlags = [
# System libraries
# system cairo without layers acceleration may result in choppy video playback
"--enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk${if gtk3Support then "3" else "2"}"
# Features
# Stylo some issues in FF56 and forks based on it. TODO look into enabling
# this as Waterfox updates
++ [ "${if drmSupport then "--enable-eme=widevine" else "--disable-eme"}" ]
++ flag geolocationSupport "mozril-geoloc"
++ flag safeBrowsingSupport "safe-browsing"
++ flag alsaSupport "alsa"
++ flag pulseaudioSupport "pulseaudio"
++ flag ffmpegSupport "ffmpeg"
++ lib.optional (!ffmpegSupport) "--disable-gstreamer"
++ flag webrtcSupport "webrtc"
++ flag crashreporterSupport "crashreporter";
enableParallelBuilding = true;
preInstall = ''
# The following is needed for startup cache creation on grsecurity kernels.
paxmark m dist/bin/xpcshell
postInstall = ''
# For grsecurity kernels
paxmark m $out/lib/waterfox*/{waterfox,waterfox-bin,plugin-container}
# Remove SDK cruft. FIXME: move to a separate output?
rm -rf $out/share/idl $out/include $out/lib/waterfox-devel-*
# Needed to find Mozilla runtime
gappsWrapperArgs+=(--argv0 "$out/bin/.waterfox-wrapped")
mkdir -p $out/share/applications
cp ${desktopItem}/share/applications/* $out/share/applications
mkdir -p $out/lib/${name}/browser/defaults/preferences
cp ''${src_vendorjs} $out/lib/${name}/browser/defaults/preferences/vendor.js
# Don't include bundled dictionaries
if [[ -d $out/lib/${name}/dictionaries ]]; then
rm -rf $out/lib/${name}/dictionaries/
if [[ -d $out/lib/${name}/hyphenation ]]; then
rm -rf $out/lib/${name}/hyphenation/
for n in 16 22 24 32 48 256; do
mkdir -p $out/share/icons/hicolor/$size/apps
# fix missing icons
if [[ ! -f "$src/browser/branding/unofficial/default$n.png" ]]; then
echo "Copying missing icon for size $n"
cp $src/browser/branding/official/default$n.png \
cp $src/browser/branding/unofficial/default$n.png \
postFixup = ''
# Fix notifications. LibXUL uses dlopen for this, unfortunately; see #18712.
patchelf --set-rpath "${lib.getLib libnotify
}/lib:$(patchelf --print-rpath "$out"/lib/waterfox*/" \
doInstallCheck = true;
installCheckPhase = ''
# Some basic testing
"$out/bin/waterfox" --version
passthru = {
browserName = "waterfox";
isFirefox3Like = true;
isTorBrowserLike = false;
gtk = gtk2;
inherit nspr;
inherit ffmpegSupport;
gssSupport = false;
} // lib.optionalAttrs gtk3Support { inherit gtk3; };
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "A web browser designed for privacy and user choice";
longDescription = ''
The Waterfox browser is a specialised modification of the Mozilla
platform, designed for privacy and user choice in mind.
Other modifications and patches that are more upstream have been
implemented as well to fix any compatibility/security issues that Mozilla
may lag behind in implementing (usually due to not being high priority).
High request features removed by Mozilla but wanted by users are retained
(if they aren't removed due to security).
homepage =;
license = licenses.mpl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ arobyn ];
platforms = platforms.linux;
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