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package-as: LibHealComm-4.0
enable-nolib-creation: no
url: svn://
tag: latest
url: svn://
tag: latest
local eventHealth = {}
local updateHealth = {}
local alreadyUpdated = {}
local units = {["player"] = true}
for i=1, 40 do
units["raid" .. i] = true
local decompressGUID = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(tbl, str)
if( not str ) then return nil end
local usc = unescape(str)
local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = string.byte(usc, 1, 8)
if( not a or not b or not c or not d or not e or not f or not g or not h ) then
print("LHC-4.0 bad GUID", usc, str)
local guid = string.format(dfmt, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
local Config = {}
local AceDialog, AceRegistry, AceGUI, SML, registered, options, quickIDMap, playerClass
local modifyUnits, globalConfig = {}, {}
local L = ShadowUFLocals
ShadowUF.Config = Config
The part that makes configuration a pain when you actually try is it gets unwieldly when you're adding special code to deal with
showing help for certain cases, swapping tabs etc that makes it work smoothly.
local Config = {}
local AceDialog, AceRegistry, AceGUI, SML, registered, options, quickIDMap, playerClass
local modifyUnits, globalConfig = {}, {}
local L = ShadowUFLocals
ShadowUF.Config = Config
The part that makes configuration a pain when you actually try is it gets unwieldly when you're adding special code to deal with
showing help for certain cases, swapping tabs etc that makes it work smoothly.
local Config = {}
local AceDialog, AceRegistry, AceGUI, SML, registered, options, quickIDMap, playerClass
local modifyUnits, globalConfig = {}, {}
local L = ShadowUFLocals
ShadowUF.Config = Config
The part that makes configuration a pain when you actually try is it gets unwieldly when you're adding special code to deal with
showing help for certain cases, swapping tabs etc that makes it work smoothly.
local targetNames = {}
local function parseMultiHeal(msgtype, distrubtion, sender, ...)
for k in pairs(targetNames) do targetNames[k] = nil end
if( msgtype == 2 ) then
table.insert(targetNames, sender)
if( distribution == "BATTLEGROUND" ) then
local senderRealm = extractRealm(sender)
for i=1, select("#", ...) do
local Config = {}
local AceDialog, AceRegistry, AceGUI, SML, registered, options, quickIDMap, playerClass
local modifyUnits, globalConfig = {}, {}
local L = ShadowUFLocals
ShadowUF.Config = Config
The part that makes configuration a pain when you actually try is it gets unwieldly when you're adding special code to deal with
showing help for certain cases, swapping tabs etc that makes it work smoothly.
local Config = {}
local AceDialog, AceRegistry, AceGUI, SML, registered, options, quickIDMap, playerClass
local modifyUnits, globalConfig = {}, {}
local L = ShadowUFLocals
ShadowUF.Config = Config
The part that makes configuration a pain when you actually try is it gets unwieldly when you're adding special code to deal with
showing help for certain cases, swapping tabs etc that makes it work smoothly.
local Config = {}
local AceDialog, AceRegistry, AceGUI, SML, registered, options, quickIDMap, playerClass
local modifyUnits, globalConfig = {}, {}
local L = ShadowUFLocals
ShadowUF.Config = Config
The part that makes configuration a pain when you actually try is it gets unwieldly when you're adding special code to deal with
showing help for certain cases, swapping tabs etc that makes it work smoothly.