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Last active August 30, 2020 17:40
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snail kata
object Snail {
case class Coordinate(i: Int, j: Int)
case class Navigation(visitedSofar: NonEmptyList[Coordinate])
sealed trait Direction
object Direction {
case object Up extends Direction
case object Right extends Direction
case object Down extends Direction
case object Left extends Direction
def rightHandedRotate(currentDir: Direction): Direction = currentDir match {
case Direction.Right =>
case Direction.Left =>
case Direction.Up =>
case Direction.Down =>
def coordinateAhead(coordinate: Coordinate, currentDirection: Direction): Coordinate = {
val iValue = coordinate.i
val jValue = coordinate.j
currentDirection match {
case Direction.Up =>
coordinate.copy(j = jValue - 1)
case Direction.Right =>
coordinate.copy(i = iValue + 1)
case Direction.Down =>
coordinate.copy(j = jValue + 1)
case Direction.Left =>
coordinate.copy(i = iValue - 1)
def maybeCoordinateAhead(navigation: Navigation, currentDirection: Direction, squareSide: Int): Option[Coordinate] = {
val ahead = coordinateAhead(navigation.visitedSofar.head, currentDirection)
!navigation.visitedSofar.toList.contains(ahead) &&
ahead.i <= squareSide &&
ahead.j <= squareSide &&
0 < ahead.i &&
0 < ahead.j
def getNumberAt(xs: List[List[Int]])(coordinate: Coordinate): Int = xs(coordinate.j - 1)(coordinate.i - 1)
def snail(xs: List[List[Int]]): List[Int] = {
def update(currentDirection: Direction, navigation: Navigation): Navigation =
if (navigation.visitedSofar.size == xs.size * xs.size)
maybeCoordinateAhead(navigation, currentDirection, xs.size) match {
case Some(nextCoordinate) =>
update(currentDirection, Navigation(nextCoordinate :: navigation.visitedSofar))
case None =>
update(Direction.rightHandedRotate(currentDirection), navigation)
xs match {
case _ if xs.flatten.isEmpty =>
case _ =>
val start = Coordinate(1, 1)
update(Direction.Right, Navigation(
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