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Last active July 3, 2022 01:10
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codility solution
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
object Demo extends App {
sealed trait Input
object Input{
final case class IncrementCounter(humanIndex: Int) extends Input
case object MaxCounter extends Input
def fromInt(n: Int, arraySize: Int): Input = if (n <= arraySize){
} else {
final case class State(mapping: Map[State.ArrayIndex, Int], max: Int, min: Int) {
def get(arrayIndex: State.ArrayIndex): Int = mapping.get(arrayIndex).filter(_ > min).getOrElse(min)
def incrementByOne(arrayIndex: State.ArrayIndex): State = {
val newValue = get(arrayIndex) + 1
val newMax = if(newValue > max){newValue} else max
copy(mapping = mapping.updated(arrayIndex, newValue), max = newMax)
def setAllToMax: State = copy(min = max)
object State{
final case class ArrayIndex(value: Int) extends AnyVal
object ArrayIndex{
def fromHumanIndex(i: Int): ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex(i - 1)
def empty: State = State(HashMap.empty, max = 0, min = 0)
def solution(n: Int, a: Array[Int]): Array[Int] = {
val state = a.toList.foldLeft(State.empty){ case (s, i) =>
Input.fromInt(i, n) match {
case Input.IncrementCounter(humanIndex) => s.incrementByOne(State.ArrayIndex.fromHumanIndex(humanIndex))
case Input.MaxCounter => s.setAllToMax
val response = new Array[Int](n)
Range(0, n).foreach( i =>
response(i) = state.get(State.ArrayIndex(i))
Array(3, 4, 4, 6, 1, 4, 4)
).mkString("Array(", ", ", ")")
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ShahOdin commented Jul 3, 2022

The second revision which uses a fold (as opposed to the foreach based first revision that uses Unit return type for State methods, would not pass 100% on performance score unless you add the a.toList bit. not exactly sure why.

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