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Last active June 28, 2018 10:35
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implicit conversion of methods to Finagle Services
import com.twitter.util.Future
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
//the method that we want to pass around
def foo(x:Int): Future[String] = Future.value(x.toString)
//the construct that depends on Services
def bar(service: Service[Int,String]) = service
//Can create Services by fully implementing them as below:
val x: Service[Int,String] = new Service[Int, String] {
override def apply(request: Int) = foo(request)
//or we can do it without boiler-plate
val y: Service[Int,String] = foo _
//However can't pass the function directly
//bar(foo _)
//we can make use of in scope implicit to do this for us:
object Demo {
implicit class functionOps[A,B](foo: A => Future[B]){
def toService: Service [A,B] = new Service[A,B] {
override def apply(request: A) = foo(request)
//this works and is maybe more readable(explicit) but is ugly
bar((foo _).toService)
object DemoAlt {
implicit def functionOps[A,B](foo: A => Future[B]): Service[A,B] = new Service[A,B] {
override def apply(request: A) = foo(request)
//this works implicitly and is nicer but still annoying that you have to add _
bar(foo _)
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In the first example... can't you just do bar(foo)?

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