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Last active May 19, 2023 06:54
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Program to find second maximum of n numbers without using arrays in Java
Let's see Logic behind the code🤘
We have declared four variables ..
curr = Current element
first = Will be largest number
second = Will be second max number
i = So that we can break the while loop
-> It checks whether i is 1 or not.
-> If yes goes inside the loop
-> If we enter -1 that is we are done for elements [In short we have entered all elements]. Now we need to break the loop
-> So now we will set i = 0 and we will break the loop
Let's assume that our inputs are 5 , 6 , 8 , 7 and -1 [=1 to break the loop]
curr = 5
first = curr
second = curr
Now we enter the loop
-> And we have now 6 as our curr value [curr = 6]
-> We check whether curr = -1 is true or not. [False]
-> Second Condition :
-> (curr > first) [6 > 5] [True]
-> second = 5
-> first = 6
curr = 6
first = 6
second = 5
Now we again enter the loop
-> And now we have 8 as our curr value [curr = 8]
-> We check whether curr = -1 is true or not. [False]
-> Second Condition :
-> (curr > first) [8 > 6] [True]
-> second = 6
-> first = 8
curr = 8
first = 8
second = 6
Now we again enter the loop
-> And now we have 7 as our curr value [curr = 7]
-> We check whether curr = -1 is true or not. [False]
-> Second Condition :
-> (curr > first) [7 > 8] [False]
-> Third Condition :
-> (curr > second) [7 > 6] [True]
-> second = curr
curr = 7
first = 8
second = 7
Now we again enter the loop
-> And now we have -1 as our curr value [curr = -1]
-> We check whether curr = -1 is true or not. [True]
-> i = 0
-> break;
-> As now i is 0 we will not enter into the loop
-> System.out.println("Second Max element = " + second);
-> Output :
Second Max element = 7
Hope you have understood logic behind the code😅
See you in the next coding questions👋
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Secondmax {
//We have to find Second max number till n number withour using arrays
public static void main(String[] args) {
int curr, second, first , i=1;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter element: ");
curr = input.nextInt();
second = curr;
first = curr;
while (i==1){
System.out.println("Enter element: ");
curr = input.nextInt();
if (curr == -1) {
if (curr > first) {
second = first;
first = curr;
else if (curr > second) {
second = curr;
System.out.println("Second Max element = " + second);
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