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Created June 7, 2014 18:07
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Django/Python Notes
1. startproject <mysite>
creates folder <mysite>
with: A command-line utility that lets you interact with this Django project in various ways.
mysite/: actual python package for the project An empty file that tells Python that this directory should be considered a Python package. Settings/configuration for this Django project The URL declarations for this Django project; a “table of contents” of your Django-powered site. An entry-point for WSGI-compatible web servers to serve your project.
2. test server from cd <mysite>
$ python runserver
create app:
$ python startapp <app name>
tell project that app is installed : add <app name> to INSTALLED_APPS in
run to see CREATE TABLE OUTPUT (does not actually run database)
$ python sql polls
check for errors in the model
$ pythong validate
output any custom (if applicable) SQL statements such as table modifications
or constraints define for the application
* create the model tables in the database
@ python syncdb
* invoke the shell for python
$ python shell
start the development server
$ python runserver
open the <app_name>/ and write:
def index(request):
return HttpResponse("")
to call the view, map it to a URL using URLconf
import conventions:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ex: np.arange
do not (from <above_libs> import *) #because these are too large of packages
munge/munging/wrangling: manipulating unstructured data into clean data
import json
path = ""
#expression is called list comprehension. applying the json.loads operation to collection
records = [json.loads(line) for line in open(path)]
#extracting all the timezone fields, checking to see if it exist first
time_zones = [rec['tz'] for rec in records if 'tz' in rec]
#counting the time_zones using std lib in Py
def get_counts(sequence):
counts = {}
for x in sequence:
if x in counts:
counts[x] += 1
counts[x] = 1
return counts
#using pandas data structure; DataFrame
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
import pandas as pd; import numpy as np
frame = DataFrame(records)
#call it to get the summary view
#return the Series
#use the Series object method: value_counts
tz_counts = frame['tz'].value_counts()
#the fillna function can replace missing values
clean_tz = frame['tz'].fillna('Missing')
clean_tz[clean_tz == ''] = 'Unknown'
tz_counts = clean_tz.value_counts()
#use the matplotlib to plot
tz_counts[:10].plot(kind='barh' rot=0)
#parsing the Series results to get agent
u'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2'
results = Series([x.split()[0] for x in frame.a.dropna()])
#prints just agent/browser and version
#close but not equal to one for floating point sums
np.allclose(<object>.groupby(['<>','<>']).prop.sum(), 1)
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