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Last active March 5, 2020 02:10
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  • Save ShaiberAlon/0910e175d5414e8893b805f30d5ea025 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ShaiberAlon/0910e175d5414e8893b805f30d5ea025 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Summarize blast results
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Click 'Download > Multiple-file JSON' from NCBI search results page,
# unzip it, run this script in it, this way:
# python OUTPUT_FILE.txt
import sys
import json
import glob
output_file_name = sys.argv[1]
output_file = open(output_file_name, "w")
# poor man's whatever:
QUERY = lambda: hits['BlastOutput2']['report']['results']['search']['query_title'].split('___')[0]
QLEN = lambda: hits['BlastOutput2']['report']['results']['search']['query_len']
HITS = lambda: hits['BlastOutput2']['report']['results']['search']['hits']
HIT = lambda: HITS()[index]
DESC = lambda: HIT()['description'][0]
TITLE = lambda: DESC()['title']
SCINAME = lambda: '_%s_' % DESC()['sciname']
ACC = lambda: '[%(desc)s](' % {'desc': DESC()['accession']}
HSPS = lambda: HIT()['hsps'][0]
PCTALIGN = lambda: '%.2f%%' % (((HSPS()['align_len']* 100 / QLEN())))
PCTID = lambda: '%.2f%%' % (HSPS()['identity'] * 100 / HSPS()['align_len'])
CONTIG = lambda: hits['BlastOutput2']['report']['results']['search']['query_title']
output_file.write('|'.join(['', 'query bin name', 'Best hit on NCBI', 'Percent alignment', 'Percent identity', 'Accession', '']))
output_file.write('|'.join(['', ':--', ':--', ':--', ':--:', ':--:', ':--:', ':--:', '']))
# go through every json file in the directory:
for j in glob.glob('*.json'):
hits = json.load(open(j))
# skip the poop file
if 'BlastOutput2' not in hits:
if not HITS():
output_file.write('|'.join(['', QUERY(), 'NO SIGNIFICANT HIT', '', '', '', '']))
# report the best hit:
index = 0
# unless the best hit resolves to a multispecies .. if it does, increment
# index
while 1:
if TITLE().find('MULTISPECIES') == -1:
index += 1
output_file.write('|'.join(['', QUERY(), SCINAME(), PCTALIGN(), PCTID(), ACC(), '']))
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Putting a note here that in the current implementation sometimes percent alignment is >100% and this is because when there are gaps in alignment then the actual alignment length is indeed longer than the query. But this value makes no sense and is not what we want. I wonder if it would be better to take the values of query_from and query_to from the json output and compute the alignment coverage of the query to replace the alignment length.

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