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Last active December 30, 2019 15:54
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I use this function in my .zshrc file

Fuzz with stdin

fuzz-in() {
	strip=$(echo $1|sed 's/:\/\///')
	strip=$(echo $strip| sed 's/\\/\-/g')
	strip=$(echo $strip| sed 's/\//-/g')
	ffuf -u $1 -t 10 -o $strip.fuzz.txt -of md -p 1 "${@:2}" -w -
	echo "cat $strip.fuzz.txt"

cat ~/tools/custom/wordlist-unique.txt | fuzz-in -t 10 -mc all

OR cat ~/tools/custom/wordlist-ext.txt | fuzz-in -e php,log -t 100 -mc all -fw 40

This will automatically save output file.

Multihost fuzzing for quickhits

multifuzz() {
	while read p; do
		strip=$(echo $p|sed 's/:\/\///')
		strip=$(echo $strip| sed 's/\\/\-/g')
		echo "Fuzzing: $p ($strip)"
		fuzz ~/tools/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/quickhits.txt $p/FUZZ -t 10 -p "0.1-0.2" -se > $strip.quickhits.txt
		echo "Sleeping for 1m"
		sleep 1m
	done < $1

$ multifuzz /path/to/servers.httprobe.txt

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