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Created February 19, 2012 11:42
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Using module.require in Node.js
// ross.js
this.ross = {
name: 'Ross',
surname: 'Geller',
get_name: function() { return },
get_surname: function() { return this.surname },
get_fullname: function() { return + ' ' + this.surname }
this.module = module
// chandler_joey.js
this.chandler = Object.create(module.parent.exports.ross) // module.parent will be "ross" if the current file is required
// by the "ross" module in "friends" through module.require = 'Chandler'
this.chandler.surname = 'Bing'
this.joey = Object.create(module.parent.exports.ross) // same as in "chandler" = 'Joey'
this.joey.surname = 'Tibbiani'
// friends.js
;(function(one) {
for (name in one) console.log(one[name].get_fullname())
})(require('./ross').module.require('./chandler_joey')) // the actual usage
// usage:
// $ node friends.js //=> Chandler Bing
// Joey Tribbiani
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