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Created May 6, 2017 10:40
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@author - Rumman BUET CSE'15
Concept - Segment Tree + Lazy Propagation
*** It's totally same as my solution for it's twin in LightOJ. Just some changes. I pasted it here for no reason.
*** If you have seen the other one, you can ignore it totally.
*** It has a twin brother in LightOJ - HORRIBLE Query. Just made some changes and that got AC.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ll long long
#define fi freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin)
#define fo freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout)
#define m0(a) memset(a , 0 , sizeof(a))
#define m1(a) memset(a , -1 , sizeof(a))
#define mx 100009
using namespace std;
class node
ll sum ;
ll prop ;
sum = prop = 0 ;
} seg[mx*4] ;
ll i, j, idx, N ;
node update(ll lo, ll hi, ll sp, ll x)
if(lo > j || hi < i)
node n ;
return n ;
if(lo >= i && hi <= j)
seg[sp].sum += ((hi-lo+1)*x) ;
seg[sp].prop += x ;
return seg[sp];
ll mid ;
mid = (lo + hi) / 2 ;
update(lo, mid, 2*sp + 1, x) ;
update(mid + 1, hi, 2*sp + 2, x);
seg[sp].sum = seg[2 * sp + 1].sum + seg[2*sp+2].sum + (hi - lo + 1) * seg[sp].prop ;
return seg[sp];
ll query(ll lo, ll hi, ll sp , ll carry )
if(lo > j || hi < i)
return 0 ;
if(lo >= i && hi <= j)
return (seg[sp].sum + ((hi-lo+1)*carry)) ;
ll mid ;
mid = (lo+hi) / 2 ;
ll l, r ;
l = query(lo, mid, 2*sp + 1, carry + seg[sp].prop) ;
r = query(mid + 1, hi, 2*sp+2, carry + seg[sp].prop);
return (l+r) ;
int main()
// fi ;
// fo ;
ll t = 0, T ;
// t++ ;
ll q ;
scanf("%lld %lld",&N, &q ) ;
for(ll k = 0 ; k < mx*4 ; k++)
seg[k].sum = 0 ;
seg[k].prop = 0 ;
// printf("Case %lld:\n",t);
ll c ;
scanf("%lld",&c) ;
ll v ;
scanf("%lld %lld %lld",&i, &j, &v) ;
i-- ;
j-- ;
update(0, N-1, 0, v);
scanf("%lld %lld",&i, &j);
i-- ;
j-- ;
ll ans ;
ans = query(0, N-1, 0, 0) ;
return 0 ;
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