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Created July 16, 2022 07:35
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import category_theory.limits.cones algebra.homology.homological_complex
open category_theory category_theory.limits homological_complex
universes u u' v v' idx
def homological_complex.cone_of_degreewise_cones
{J : Type u} [category.{u'} J] {V : Type v} [category.{v'} V] [has_zero_morphisms V]
{ι : Type idx} {c : complex_shape ι}
(F : J ⥤ homological_complex V c)
(choices : Π (i : ι), limit_cone (F ⋙ homological_complex.eval V c i))
: cone F := {
X := {
X := λ i, (choices i).cone.X,
d := λ i j, (choices j).is_limit.lift ({
X := (choices i).cone.X,
π := { app := λ u, (choices i).cone.π.app u ≫ (F.obj u).d i j,
naturality' := λ u v f, by { transitivity,
apply category.id_comp,
rw [category.assoc, functor.comp_map, eval_map,
← ( f).comm i j,
← category.assoc, ← eval_map, ← functor.comp_map,
← nat_trans.naturality, category.assoc],
symmetry, apply category.id_comp } } }),
shape' := λ i j h, (choices j).is_limit.hom_ext (by { intro u, simp,
rw (F.obj u).shape' i j h, simp }),
d_comp_d' := λ i j k hij hjk, (choices k).is_limit.hom_ext (λ u, by simp) },
π := {
app := λ u, {
f := λ i, (choices i).cone.π.app u,
comm' := λ i j hij, eq.symm ((choices j).is_limit.fac _ u)
naturality' := by { intros u v f, ext i,
exact eq.trans (category.id_comp _)
(eq.trans (category.id_comp _).symm
((choices i).cone.π.naturality f)) } } }
def homological_complex.cone_of_degreewise_cones_is_limit_cone
{J : Type u} [category.{u'} J] {V : Type v} [category.{v'} V] [has_zero_morphisms V]
{ι : Type idx} {c : complex_shape ι}
(F : J ⥤ homological_complex V c)
(choices : Π (i : ι), limit_cone (F ⋙ homological_complex.eval V c i))
: is_limit (homological_complex.cone_of_degreewise_cones F choices) := {
lift := λ s, {
f := λ i, (choices i).is_limit.lift (category_theory.functor.map_cone (eval V c i) s),
comm' := λ i j hij, (choices j).is_limit.hom_ext
(by { intro, delta homological_complex.cone_of_degreewise_cones,
simp }),
uniq' := λ s m h, by { ext i, dsimp [homological_complex.cone_of_degreewise_cones] at h ⊢,
apply (choices i).is_limit.uniq' ((eval V c i).map_cone s),
intro j,
have := congr_arg homological_complex.hom.f (h j),
exact congr_arg (function.eval i) this },
fac' := λ s u, by { ext i, apply (choices i).is_limit.fac' ((eval V c i).map_cone s) u } }
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