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Created May 7, 2024 20:38
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import Mathlib
namespace TensorProduct
variable {R P Q M : Type*} [CommRing R] [AddCommGroup P] [AddCommGroup Q]
[AddCommGroup M] [Module R P] [Module R Q] [Module R M]
open LinearMap
theorem map₂_eq_range_lift_comp_mapIncl (f : P →ₗ[R] Q →ₗ[R] M)
(p : Submodule R P) (q : Submodule R Q) :
Submodule.map₂ f p q = LinearMap.range (lift f ∘ₗ mapIncl p q) := by
simp_rw [LinearMap.range_comp, range_mapIncl, Submodule.map_span,
Set.image_image2, Submodule.map₂_eq_span_image2, lift.tmul]
noncomputable def lTensor_ring_mod_ideal_equiv_mod_ideal_smul (I : Ideal R) :
((R⧸I) ⊗[R] M) ≃ₗ[R] M⧸(I • (⊤ : Submodule R M)) :=
(rTensor.equiv _ (exact_subtype_mkQ I) I.mkQ_surjective).symm.trans <|
Submodule.Quotient.equiv _ _ (TensorProduct.lid R M) <| by
refine Eq.trans (LinearMap.range_comp _ _).symm ?_
refine Eq.trans ?_ (map₂_eq_range_lift_comp_mapIncl _ _ _).symm
refine Eq.trans ?_ (Submodule.map_top _)
refine Eq.trans ?_ <| congrArg _ <|
range_eq_top.mpr (Submodule.topEquiv.lTensor I).symm.surjective
refine Eq.trans (congrArg range ?_) (LinearMap.range_comp _ _)
ext; rfl
lemma lTensor_ring_mod_ideal_equiv_mod_ideal_smul_apply
(I : Ideal R) (r : R) (x : M) :
lTensor_ring_mod_ideal_equiv_mod_ideal_smul I
( I r ⊗ₜ[R] _) = Submodule.mkQ (I • ⊤) (r • x) :=
end TensorProduct
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