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Created July 16, 2022 23:00
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import algebra.category.Module.abelian
import algebra.category.Module.images
import algebra.homology.homology
import algebra.homology.Module
import algebra.homology.homotopy
import .category_theory .linear_algebra
open category_theory category_theory.limits homological_complex opposite
local attribute [instance] category_theory.limits.has_zero_object.has_zero
local attribute [instance]
universes u u' v v' idx idx'
local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
def homological_complex.map_grading_obj [has_zero_morphisms V] [has_zero_object V]
{ι' : Type idx'} {c' : complex_shape ι'} (f : ι → ι')
(h1 : function.injective f) (h2 : ∀ i j, c.rel i j → c'.rel (f i) (f j))
(C : homological_complex V c) : homological_complex V c' := {
X := λ i, (function.partial_inv f i).cases_on' 0 C.X,
d := λ i j, match function.partial_inv f i with
| some i' := match function.partial_inv f j with
| some j' := C.d i' j'
| none := 0
| none := 0
shape' := by { intros i j h,
destruct function.partial_inv f i, { intro h', rw h', refl },
intros i' h', rw h', delta homological_complex.map_grading_obj._match_1,
destruct function.partial_inv f j, { intro h'', rw h'', refl },
intros j' h'', rw h'', delta homological_complex.map_grading_obj._match_2,
dsimp, rw C.shape' i' j' (mt (h2 i' j') _),
rw function.partial_inv_of_injective h1 i' i at h',
rw function.partial_inv_of_injective h1 j' j at h'',
rw [h', h''], exact h },
d_comp_d' := by { intros i j k hij hjk,
destruct function.partial_inv f i, { intro h, rw h, exact zero_comp },
intros i' h, rw h, delta homological_complex.map_grading_obj._match_1,
destruct function.partial_inv f j, { intro h', rw h', exact comp_zero },
intros j' h', rw h', delta homological_complex.map_grading_obj._match_2,
destruct function.partial_inv f k, { intro h'', rw h'', exact comp_zero },
intros k' h'', rw h'', exact C.d_comp_d i' j' k' }
lemma option.dtt_hell {α : Type*} {P : option α → Sort*}
(case_none : P none) (case_some : Π (a : α), P (some a))
(o : option α) (h : o.is_some)
: @option.rec_on α P o case_none case_some == case_some (option.get h) :=
by { cases o, { exfalso, simp at h, exact h }, { refl } }
lemma homological_complex.map_grading_obj_X_spec
[has_zero_morphisms V] [has_zero_object V]
{ι' : Type idx'} {c' : complex_shape ι'} (f : ι → ι')
(h1 : function.injective f) (h2 : ∀ i j, c.rel i j → c'.rel (f i) (f j))
(C : homological_complex V c)
(i' : ι') (i : ι) (hi : f i = i')
: (homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2 C).X i' = C.X i :=
delta homological_complex.map_grading_obj,
transitivity (some i).cases_on' 0 C.X,
{ rw function.partial_inv_of_injective h1 i i', assumption },
{ refl }
def homological_complex.map_grading_obj_id_or_zero_L
[has_zero_morphisms V] [has_zero_object V]
{ι' : Type idx'} {c' : complex_shape ι'} (f : ι → ι')
(h1 : function.injective f) (h2 : ∀ i j, c.rel i j → c'.rel (f i) (f j))
(C : homological_complex V c) (i' : ι') (i : ι)
: (C.map_grading_obj f h1 h2).X i' ⟶ C.X i :=
if h : f i = i'
then eq_to_hom (by { dsimp [homological_complex.map_grading_obj],
rw (function.partial_inv_of_injective h1 i i').mpr h,
refl })
else 0
def homological_complex.map_grading_obj_id_or_zero_R
[has_zero_morphisms V] [has_zero_object V]
{ι' : Type idx'} {c' : complex_shape ι'} (f : ι → ι')
(h1 : function.injective f) (h2 : ∀ i j, c.rel i j → c'.rel (f i) (f j))
(C : homological_complex V c) (i' : ι') (i : ι)
: C.X i ⟶ (C.map_grading_obj f h1 h2).X i' :=
if h : f i = i'
then eq_to_hom (by { dsimp [homological_complex.map_grading_obj],
rw (function.partial_inv_of_injective h1 i i').mpr h,
refl })
else 0
def homological_complex.map_grading_map
[has_zero_morphisms V] [has_zero_object V]
{ι' : Type idx'} {c' : complex_shape ι'} (f : ι → ι')
(h1 : function.injective f) (h2 : ∀ i j, c.rel i j → c'.rel (f i) (f j))
{C C' : homological_complex V c} (ϕ : C ⟶ C') (i' : ι')
: (homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2 C).X i'
⟶ (homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2 C').X i' :=
@option.rec_on ι (λ o, o.cases_on' 0 C.X ⟶ o.cases_on' 0 C'.X) (function.partial_inv f i') 0 ϕ.f
lemma homological_complex.map_grading_map_spec
[has_zero_morphisms V] [has_zero_object V]
{ι' : Type idx'} {c' : complex_shape ι'} (f : ι → ι')
(h1 : function.injective f) (h2 : ∀ i j, c.rel i j → c'.rel (f i) (f j))
{C C' : homological_complex V c} (ϕ : C ⟶ C')
(i' : ι') (i : ι) (h : f i = i')
: homological_complex.map_grading_map f h1 h2 ϕ i'
= C.map_grading_obj_id_or_zero_L f h1 h2 i' i
≫ ϕ.f i
≫ C'.map_grading_obj_id_or_zero_R f h1 h2 i' i :=
have := (function.partial_inv_of_injective h1 i i').mpr h,
rw option.eq_some_iff_get_eq at this, cases this with h' h'',
delta homological_complex.map_grading_map,
apply eq_of_heq,
transitivity, apply option.dtt_hell _ _ _ h', rw h'',
delta homological_complex.map_grading_obj_id_or_zero_L,
delta homological_complex.map_grading_obj_id_or_zero_R,
rw (category_theory.functor.conj_eq_to_hom_iff_heq (ϕ.f i) (ϕ.f i) rfl rfl).mpr heq.rfl,
all_goals { try { symmetry, apply homological_complex.map_grading_obj_X_spec } },
all_goals { try { assumption } },
{ symmetry, apply cast_heq },
{ simp },
{ symmetry, apply cast_heq,
ext, simp, apply homological_complex.map_grading_obj_X_spec; assumption },
def homological_complex.map_grading
[has_zero_morphisms V] [has_zero_object V]
{ι' : Type idx'} {c' : complex_shape ι'} (f : ι → ι')
(h1 : function.injective f) (h2 : ∀ i j, c.rel i j → c'.rel (f i) (f j))
: homological_complex V c ⥤ homological_complex V c' := {
obj := homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2,
map := λ C C' ϕ, {
f := homological_complex.map_grading_map f h1 h2 ϕ,
comm' := by { intros i' j' hij,
by_cases h : ∃ i, f i = i',
{ cases h with i hi,
by_cases h' : ∃ j, f j = j',
{ cases h' with j hj,
rw homological_complex.map_grading_map_spec f h1 h2 ϕ i' i hi,
rw homological_complex.map_grading_map_spec f h1 h2 ϕ j' j hj,
delta homological_complex.map_grading_obj_id_or_zero_L,
delta homological_complex.map_grading_obj_id_or_zero_R,
dsimp [homological_complex.map_grading_obj],
-- suffices : ∀ (h₁ : (homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2 C).X i' = C.X i)
-- (h₂ : C'.X i = (homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2 C').X i')
-- (h₃ : (homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2 C).X j' = C.X j)
-- (h₄ : C'.X j = (homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2 C').X j'),
-- (eq_to_hom h₁ ≫ ϕ.f i ≫ eq_to_hom h₂)
-- ≫ (homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2 C').d i' j' =
-- (homological_complex.map_grading_obj f h1 h2 C).d i' j'
-- ≫ eq_to_hom h₁ ≫ ϕ.f j ≫ eq_to_hom h₂
} } }
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