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  • Save ShaneQi/3bd17244fa06cedd20860082a3028d99 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ShaneQi/3bd17244fa06cedd20860082a3028d99 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The matter-server log when calling light.turn_on with a color from HA.
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC matter_server.server.client_handler[1] DEBUG [140069996848624] Received: {
"message_id": "4d34a962261e4eb7a094a62461b51980",
"command": "device_command",
"args": {
"node_id": 25,
"endpoint_id": 1,
"cluster_id": 768,
"command_name": "MoveToHueAndSaturation",
"payload": {
"hue": 6,
"saturation": 254,
"transitionTime": 0,
"optionsMask": 0,
"optionsOverride": 0
"response_type": null,
"timed_request_timeout_ms": null,
"interaction_timeout_ms": null
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC matter_server.server.client_handler[1] DEBUG [140069996848624] Received CommandMessage(message_id='4d34a962261e4eb7a094a62461b51980', command='device_command', args={'node_id': 25, 'endpoint_id': 1, 'cluster_id': 768, 'command_name': 'MoveToHueAndSaturation', 'payload': {'hue': 6, 'saturation': 254, 'transitionTime': 0, 'optionsMask': 0, 'optionsOverride': 0}, 'response_type': None, 'timed_request_timeout_ms': None, 'interaction_timeout_ms': None})
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC matter_server.server.client_handler[1] DEBUG [140069996848624] Handling command device_command
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC chip.CSM[1] DEBUG FindOrEstablishSession: PeerId = [1:0000000000000019]
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC chip.CSM[1] DEBUG FindOrEstablishSession: No existing OperationalSessionSetup instance found
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC chip.CTL[1] INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000000000019]!
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC chip.CTL[1] DEBUG OperationalSessionSetup[1:0000000000000019]: State change 1 --> 5
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [AddingComm]
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [AddedComma]
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO <<< [E:45236i M:119769277] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest)
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC chip.IN[1] INFO (S) Sending msg 119769277 on secure session with LSID: 64986
2023-04-26 05:31:21 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [CommandSen]
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO >>> [E:45236i M:90613075 (Ack:119769277)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Found matching exchange: 45236i, Delegate: 0x7f64a09fd898
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:119769277 from Retrans Table on exchange 45236i
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [ResponseRe]
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InvokeResponseMessage =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG suppressResponse = false,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InvokeResponseIBs =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG [
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InvokeResponseIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG CommandStatusIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG CommandPathIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG EndpointId = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ClusterId = 0x300,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG CommandId = 0x6,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG StatusIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ],
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InteractionModelRevision = 1
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] INFO Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=1 Cluster=0x0000_0300 Command=0x0000_0006 Status=0x0
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO <<< [E:45236i M:119769278 (Ack:90613075)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.IN[1] INFO (S) Sending msg 119769278 on secure session with LSID: 64986
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:90613075 on exchange 45236i
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.client_handler[1] DEBUG [140069996848624] Received: {
"message_id": "132ea36bfcb04df5be4443aca9b7a7f6",
"command": "device_command",
"args": {
"node_id": 25,
"endpoint_id": 1,
"cluster_id": 6,
"command_name": "On",
"payload": {},
"response_type": null,
"timed_request_timeout_ms": null,
"interaction_timeout_ms": null
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.client_handler[1] DEBUG [140069996848624] Received CommandMessage(message_id='132ea36bfcb04df5be4443aca9b7a7f6', command='device_command', args={'node_id': 25, 'endpoint_id': 1, 'cluster_id': 6, 'command_name': 'On', 'payload': {}, 'response_type': None, 'timed_request_timeout_ms': None, 'interaction_timeout_ms': None})
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.client_handler[1] DEBUG [140069996848624] Handling command device_command
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.CSM[1] DEBUG FindOrEstablishSession: PeerId = [1:0000000000000019]
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.CSM[1] DEBUG FindOrEstablishSession: No existing OperationalSessionSetup instance found
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.CTL[1] INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000000000019]!
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.CTL[1] DEBUG OperationalSessionSetup[1:0000000000000019]: State change 1 --> 5
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [AddingComm]
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [AddedComma]
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO <<< [E:45237i M:119769279] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.IN[1] INFO (S) Sending msg 119769279 on secure session with LSID: 64986
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [CommandSen]
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO >>> [E:2213r M:90613076] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Handling via exchange: 2213r, Delegate: 0x7f64afff97c8
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ReportDataMessage =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG SubscriptionId = 0xc3b93ff4,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeReportIBs =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG [
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeReportIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeDataIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG DataVersion = 0x96c28d7b,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributePathIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Endpoint = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Cluster = 0x300,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Attribute = 0x0000_0002,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG }
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Data = 1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeReportIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeDataIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG DataVersion = 0x96c28d7b,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributePathIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Endpoint = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Cluster = 0x300,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Attribute = 0x0000_0008,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG }
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Data = 0,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeReportIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeDataIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG DataVersion = 0x96c28d7b,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributePathIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Endpoint = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Cluster = 0x300,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Attribute = 0x0000_4001,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG }
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Data = 0,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ],
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InteractionModelRevision = 1
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG }
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.device_controller.25[1] DEBUG Attribute updated: TypedAttributePath(ClusterType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl'>, AttributeType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl.Attributes.ColorMode'>, AttributeName='colorMode', Path=AttributePath(EndpointId=1, ClusterId=768, AttributeId=8)) - new value: 0
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.device_controller.25[1] DEBUG Attribute updated: TypedAttributePath(ClusterType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl'>, AttributeType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl.Attributes.RemainingTime'>, AttributeName='remainingTime', Path=AttributePath(EndpointId=1, ClusterId=768, AttributeId=2)) - new value: 1
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.device_controller.25[1] DEBUG Attribute updated: TypedAttributePath(ClusterType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl'>, AttributeType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl.Attributes.EnhancedColorMode'>, AttributeName='enhancedColorMode', Path=AttributePath(EndpointId=1, ClusterId=768, AttributeId=16385)) - new value: 0
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] INFO Refresh LivenessCheckTime for 121500 milliseconds with SubscriptionId = 0xc3b93ff4 Peer = 01:0000000000000019
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO <<< [E:2213r M:119769280 (Ack:90613076)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.IN[1] INFO (S) Sending msg 119769280 on secure session with LSID: 64986
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO >>> [E:45237i M:90613077 (Ack:119769279)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Found matching exchange: 45237i, Delegate: 0x7f64a09fd898
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:119769279 from Retrans Table on exchange 45237i
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [ResponseRe]
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InvokeResponseMessage =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG suppressResponse = false,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InvokeResponseIBs =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG [
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InvokeResponseIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG CommandStatusIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG CommandPathIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG EndpointId = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ClusterId = 0x6,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG CommandId = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG StatusIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ],
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InteractionModelRevision = 1
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] INFO Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=1 Cluster=0x0000_0006 Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x0
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO <<< [E:45237i M:119769281 (Ack:90613077)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.IN[1] INFO (S) Sending msg 119769281 on secure session with LSID: 64986
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Flushed pending ack for MessageCounter:90613077 on exchange 45237i
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO >>> [E:2213r M:90613078 (Ack:119769280)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Found matching exchange: 2213r, Delegate: (nil)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:119769280 from Retrans Table on exchange 2213r
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO >>> [E:2215r M:90613079] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Handling via exchange: 2215r, Delegate: 0x7f64afff97c8
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ReportDataMessage =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG SubscriptionId = 0xc3b93ff4,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeReportIBs =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG [
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeReportIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeDataIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG DataVersion = 0x1e4ccac1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributePathIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Endpoint = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Cluster = 0x8,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Attribute = 0x0000_0011,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG }
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Data = 122,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeReportIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeDataIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG DataVersion = 0x96c28d7f,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributePathIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Endpoint = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Cluster = 0x300,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG }
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Data = 6,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeReportIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeDataIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG DataVersion = 0x96c28d7f,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributePathIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Endpoint = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Cluster = 0x300,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Attribute = 0x0000_0001,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG }
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Data = 254,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeReportIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributeDataIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG DataVersion = 0x96c28d7f,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG AttributePathIB =
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG {
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Endpoint = 0x1,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Cluster = 0x300,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Attribute = 0x0000_0002,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG }
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG Data = 0,
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG },
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG ],
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG InteractionModelRevision = 1
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] DEBUG }
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.device_controller.25[1] DEBUG Attribute updated: TypedAttributePath(ClusterType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl'>, AttributeType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl.Attributes.CurrentSaturation'>, AttributeName='currentSaturation', Path=AttributePath(EndpointId=1, ClusterId=768, AttributeId=1)) - new value: 254
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.device_controller.25[1] DEBUG Attribute updated: TypedAttributePath(ClusterType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl'>, AttributeType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl.Attributes.RemainingTime'>, AttributeName='remainingTime', Path=AttributePath(EndpointId=1, ClusterId=768, AttributeId=2)) - new value: 0
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.device_controller.25[1] DEBUG Attribute updated: TypedAttributePath(ClusterType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl'>, AttributeType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.ColorControl.Attributes.CurrentHue'>, AttributeName='currentHue', Path=AttributePath(EndpointId=1, ClusterId=768, AttributeId=0)) - new value: 6
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC matter_server.server.device_controller.25[1] DEBUG Attribute updated: TypedAttributePath(ClusterType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.LevelControl'>, AttributeType=<class 'chip.clusters.Objects.LevelControl.Attributes.OnLevel'>, AttributeName='onLevel', Path=AttributePath(EndpointId=1, ClusterId=8, AttributeId=17)) - new value: 122
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.DMG[1] INFO Refresh LivenessCheckTime for 121500 milliseconds with SubscriptionId = 0xc3b93ff4 Peer = 01:0000000000000019
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO <<< [E:2215r M:119769282 (Ack:90613079)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.IN[1] INFO (S) Sending msg 119769282 on secure session with LSID: 64986
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO >>> [E:2215r M:90613080 (Ack:119769282)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Found matching exchange: 2215r, Delegate: (nil)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:119769282 from Retrans Table on exchange 2215r
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.IN[1] DEBUG Received a duplicate message with MessageCounter:90613077 on exchange 45237i
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO >>> [E:45237i M:90613077 (Ack:119769279)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Generating StandaloneAck via exchange: 45237i
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] DEBUG Forcing tx of solitary ack for duplicate MessageCounter:90613077 on exchange 45237i
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.EM[1] INFO <<< [E:45237i M:119769283 (Ack:90613077)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000000000019 [C0BF] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
2023-04-26 05:31:22 NUC chip.IN[1] INFO (S) Sending msg 119769283 on secure session with LSID: 64986
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