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Last active January 11, 2016 22:04
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The Cult of Pythagoras

#The Cult of Pythagoras

##The Pythagorean Theorem

  • a^2 +b^2 = c^2 in ancient greece - the square literally meant the square around it
  • a^2 +b^2 = c^2 in computer science - it's a formula for finding the shorest distance. Can be used to quantify distance and cluster results (like Netflix ratings and other predictive filtering algorythms)

but who was pythagoras.....

##Early Life of Pythagoras

  • born in Turkey
  • moved to Eqypt and studies with the preists
  • loved the relationship between numbers (whole numbers)
  • thought he was descendants of a greek god and remembered all his past lives

##Cult of Personality

  • moved back home and started a "cult" - the mathēmatikoi
  • women were allowed!
  • were vegetarians
  • weren't allowed to eat beans
  • weren't allowed to copulate in the summer


  • as mentioned above, they loved whole numbers
  • thought every thing in the world - music, architechture, the cosmos, could be expressed as a rational number - ratio of two other numbers
  • Hippasus, a member of the mathematikoi proved the existence of irrational numbers - specifically the golden ratio or maybe sqrt2
  • Pythagoras pushed him out of a boat to keep irrational number a secret!


  • the mathematikoi had kept people out
  • some of them got mad and set pythagoras's house on fire
  • he got out but while running away came upon a bean field and stopped, he really hated beans
  • so the murderers caught up to him and slaughtered him
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