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Last active August 9, 2020 07:47
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h930 pipeline for jenkins
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
DEVICE = "h930"
DEVICE_BLOBS = "oreo-blobs"
SOURCE_TREE = "$JENKINS_HOME/workspace/LineageOS/lineageos_code_sync"
BRANCHNAME = "lineage-16.0"
BUILDNAME = "lineage-16.0"
BUILD_TYPE = "userdebug"
REPO_BIN = "$JENKINS_HOME/../bin/repo"
JAVA_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/"
ANDROID_JAVA_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/"
GIT_user_name = "ShapeShifter499"
GIT_user_email = ""
GIT_release_repo_name = "LG_v30-LineageOS_Manifest"
GIT_TAG = "\$(basename -s .zip.md5sum $BUILDNAME*.zip.md5sum | cut -d- -f 1-3,5)"
stages {
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
mkdir -p $DEVICE-build
mkdir -p $TMPDIR
cd $DEVICE-build
if [ -d .repo ]; then
echo "Inital sync already done"
echo "Making sure code is up to date before continuing"
wget $DEVICE_MANIFEST -O .repo/local_manifests/$DEVICE.xml
$REPO_BIN sync
echo "Making inital synchronization of LineageOS code"
$REPO_BIN init -u git:// -b $BRANCHNAME --reference=$SOURCE_TREE
mkdir -p .repo/local_manifests
wget $DEVICE_MANIFEST -O .repo/local_manifests/$DEVICE.xml
$REPO_BIN sync
git config --global $GIT_user_name
git config --global $GIT_user_email
stage('Build Locking'){
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
echo "Checking if a build lock file exists before starting a build."
while [ -f $jenkins_building_lock_file ]; do
echo ""
echo "Found a build lock file. This means another job is compiling."
echo "Lets wait till no jobs are compiling anything before continuing"
echo "Checking again in five minutes"
sleep 300s
echo ""
echo ""
echo "No build lock file found."
echo "Lets create one now to keep other jobs from hogging resources."
echo ""
touch $jenkins_building_lock_file
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
export PATH
rm -rf $DEVICE-output
rm -rf $TMPDIR
mkdir -p $TMPDIR
cd $DEVICE-build
source build/
make clean
mka clobber
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash +e
export PATH
cd $DEVICE-build
source build/
export USE_CCACHE=1
ccache -M 1024G
export LC_ALL=C
lunch lineage_$DEVICE-$BUILD_TYPE
mka bacon installed-file-list
stage('Clear Build Locking'){
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
echo "If you read this, all the compiling is done for this job!"
echo "Better check if there were any errors"
echo "Lets remove the build lock file we created earlier so another job can start compiling."
if [ -f $jenkins_building_lock_file ]; then
echo ""
rm $jenkins_building_lock_file
echo ""
stage('Upload to Jenkins'){
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash +e
mkdir -p $DEVICE-output
cp $DEVICE-build/out/target/product/$DEVICE/$BUILDNAME-* $DEVICE-output
cp $DEVICE-build/out/target/product/$DEVICE/installed-files.txt $DEVICE-output
cp $DEVICE-build/.repo/local_manifests/$DEVICE.xml $DEVICE-output/$DEVICE-manifest.xml
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*-output/*', fingerprint: true
stage('Upload to GitHub'){
steps {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: '<REDACTED>', variable: 'GIT_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
post {
unsuccessful {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
echo "If you read this, this job has failed or was aborted!"
echo "Better double check if everything is alright."
echo "Lets remove the build lock file we created earlier so another job can start compiling."
if [ -f $jenkins_building_lock_file ]; then
echo ""
rm $jenkins_building_lock_file
echo ""
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