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Last active July 11, 2021 19:32
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Save Shaptic/6526805 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fokin' triangulation in C++.
#include <cstdint>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
// This code uses C++11 features like "auto" and initializer lists.
// Compare two floating point numbers accurately.
bool compf(float a, float b, float threshold=0.00001f)
return (a + threshold > b && a - threshold < b);
// A point in space.
struct vector_t
float x, y;
inline bool operator==(const vector_t& B)
{ return compf(B.x, x) && compf(B.y, y); }
// Determine orientation of a triangle.
// TRUE if ccw, FALSE if cw or not a triangle.
bool orientation(const std::vector<vector_t>& p)
return (p[1].x - p[0].x) * (p[2].y - p[0].y) -
(p[2].x - p[0].x) * (p[1].y - p[0].y) > 0;
// Barycentric coordinate calculation.
bool in_triangle(const vector_t& V, const vector_t& A,
const vector_t& B, const vector_t& C)
float denom = ((B.y - C.y) * (A.x - C.x) + (C.x - B.x) * (A.y - C.y));
if(compf(denom, 0.0)) return true;
denom = 1 / denom;
float alpha = denom * ((B.y - C.y) * (V.x - C.x) + (C.x - B.x) * (V.y - C.y));
if(alpha < 0) return false;
float beta = denom * ((C.y - A.y) * (V.x - C.x) + (A.x - C.x) * (V.y - C.y));
if(beta < 0) return false;
return alpha + beta >= 1;
std::vector<vector_t> triangulate(std::vector<vector_t> Polygon)
std::vector<uint16_t> reflex;
std::vector<vector_t> triangles;
if(Polygon.size() < 3) return Polygon;
// Polygon orientation
vector_t left = Polygon[0];
size_t index = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < Polygon.size(); ++i)
if(Polygon[i].x < left.x ||
(compf(Polygon[i].x, left.x) && Polygon[i].y < left.y))
index = i;
left = Polygon[i];
// C++11 initializer list (not on <= MSVC11)
std::vector<vector_t> tri {
Polygon[(index > 0) ? index - 1 : Polygon.size() - 1],
Polygon[(index < Polygon.size()) ? index + 1 : 0]
bool ccw = orientation(tri);
// We know there will be vertex_count - 2 triangles made.
triangles.reserve(Polygon.size() - 2);
if(Polygon.size() == 3) return Polygon;
while(Polygon.size() >= 3)
int16_t eartip = -1, index = -1;
for(auto& i : Polygon)
if(eartip >= 0) break;
uint16_t p = (index > 0) ? index - 1 : Polygon.size() - 1;
uint16_t n = (index < Polygon.size()) ? index + 1 : 0;
std::vector<vector_t> tri { Polygon[p], i, Polygon[n] };
if(orientation(tri) != ccw)
bool ear = true;
for(auto& j : reflex)
if(j == p || j == n) continue;
if(in_triangle(Polygon[j], Polygon[p], i, Polygon[n]))
ear = false;
auto j = Polygon.begin() + index + 1,
k = Polygon.end();
for( ; j != k; ++j)
auto& v = *j;
if(&v == &Polygon[p] ||
&v == &Polygon[n] ||
&v == &Polygon[index]) continue;
if(in_triangle(v, Polygon[p], i, Polygon[n]))
ear = false;
if(ear) eartip = index;
if(eartip < 0) break;
uint16_t p = (eartip > 0) ? eartip - 1 : Polygon.size() - 1;
uint16_t n = (eartip < Polygon.size()) ? eartip + 1 : 0;
vector_t* parts[3] = {
&Polygon[p], &Polygon[eartip], &Polygon[n]
// Create the triangulated piece.
for(const auto& i : parts) triangles.push_back(*i);
// Clip the ear from the polygon.
Polygon.erase(std::find(Polygon.begin(), Polygon.end(), *parts[1]));
return triangles;
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