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Space Math in Rust
use chrono::prelude::*;
use std::f64::consts::PI;
type Float = f64;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct GpsCoordinate {
pub latitude: Angle,
pub longitude: Angle,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Dms {
pub degrees: Float,
pub minutes: Float,
pub seconds: Float,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Hms {
pub hours: Float,
pub minutes: Float,
pub seconds: Float,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Angle {
pub rads: Float,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct SphericalCoordinate {
pub r: Float,
pub ra: Angle,
pub decl: Angle,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RectangularCoordinate {
pub x: Angle,
pub y: Angle,
pub z: Angle,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct HorizontalCoordinate {
pub altitude: Angle,
pub azimuth: Angle,
impl Angle {
pub fn from_rads(rads: Float) -> Self {
return Angle { rads: rads };
pub fn from_deg(degs: Float) -> Self {
return Angle {
rads: (degs / 180.0) * PI,
pub fn as_rads(&self) -> Float {
return self.rads;
pub fn as_deg(&self) -> Float {
return (self.rads * 180.0) / PI;
pub fn as_dms(&self) -> Dms {
let deg = self.as_deg();
let min = (deg - deg.floor()) * 60.0;
let sec = (min - min.floor()) * 60.0;
return Dms {
degrees: self.as_deg(),
minutes: min,
seconds: sec,
pub fn as_hms(&self) -> Hms {
let degrees = self.as_deg();
let hours = degrees / 15.0;
let minutes = (hours - hours.floor()) * 60.0;
let seconds = (minutes - minutes.floor()) * 60.0;
return Hms {
hours: hours,
minutes: minutes,
seconds: seconds,
pub fn rev(&self) -> Self {
return Angle::from_rads(self.rads - (self.rads / (2.0 * PI)).floor() * (2.0 * PI));
pub struct SpaceMath {}
impl SpaceMath {
pub fn sum_and_exponentially_multiply(values: Vec<Float>, multiplier: Float) -> Float {
let mut result = 0.0;
for i in 0..values.len() {
if i == 0 {
result += values.get(i).unwrap();
} else {
result += values.get(i).unwrap() * multiplier.powf(i as Float);
return result;
pub fn rads(deg: Float) -> Float {
return (deg / 180.0) * PI;
pub fn time_to_dec(hours: Float, minutes: Float, seconds: Float) -> Float {
return hours + (minutes / 60.0) + (seconds / 3600.0);
pub fn time_to_angle(hours: Float, minutes: Float, seconds: Float) -> Angle {
// NOTE: according this website, we should consider
// 15.04107 instead of 15.0
return Angle::from_deg(SpaceMath::time_to_dec(hours, minutes, seconds) * 15.0);
pub fn instant_to_days_julian(instant: NaiveDateTime) -> Float {
// Add the hour decimal.
let day = as Float
+ SpaceMath::time_to_dec(
instant.hour() as Float,
instant.minute() as Float,
instant.second() as Float,
) / 24.0;
let mut month = instant.month() as Float;
let mut year = instant.year() as Float;
// If we are calculating for january or february, consider it the "13th and 14th"
// months.
if month == 1.0 || month == 2.0 {
year = year - 1.0;
month = month + 12.0;
let a = (year / 100.0).floor();
let b = 2.0 - a + (a / 4.0).floor();
return (365.25 * (year + 4716.0)).floor() + (30.6001 * (month + 1.0)).floor() + day + b
- 1524.5;
pub fn julian_to_day_number(days_julian: Float) -> Float {
return days_julian - 2451543.5;
pub fn julian_to_century_time(julian_date: Float) -> Float {
return (julian_date - 2451545.0) / 36525.0;
pub fn julian_millennia_from_epoch_2000(julian_days: Float) -> Float {
return (julian_days - 2451545.0) / 365250.0;
pub fn julian_centuries_from_epoch_2000(julian_days: Float) -> Float {
return 10.0 * SpaceMath::julian_millennia_from_epoch_2000(julian_days);
// This gets the mean longitude of the sun at an instant using keplerian formulas
pub fn sol_l(d: Float) -> Angle {
let w = Angle::from_deg(SpaceMath::sum_and_exponentially_multiply(
vec![282.9404, 4.70935E-5],
let m = Angle::from_deg(SpaceMath::sum_and_exponentially_multiply(
vec![356.0470, 0.9856002585],
return Angle::from_deg(w + m).rev();
pub fn calculate_hour_angle<T: TimeZone>(
instant: DateTime<T>,
longitude: Angle,
ra: Angle,
) -> Angle {
// Get the current mean longitude of the sun
let instant_utc = instant.naive_utc();
let jd = SpaceMath::instant_to_days_julian(instant_utc);
let d = SpaceMath::julian_to_day_number(jd);
let gmst0 = Angle::from_deg(SpaceMath::sol_l(d).as_deg() + 180.0)
/ 15.0; // Hours
let sidtime = gmst0
+ SpaceMath::time_to_dec(
instant.hour() as Float,
instant.minute() as Float,
instant.second() as Float,
+ (longitude.as_deg() / 15.0);
let ha = sidtime - (ra.as_deg() / 15.0);
return Angle::from_deg(ha * 15.0);
pub fn sphere_to_rect(sphere: SphericalCoordinate) -> RectangularCoordinate {
return RectangularCoordinate {
x: Angle::from_rads(sphere.r * sphere.ra.as_rads().cos() * sphere.decl.as_rads().cos()),
y: Angle::from_rads(sphere.r * sphere.ra.as_rads().sin() * sphere.decl.as_rads().cos()),
z: Angle::from_rads(sphere.r * sphere.decl.as_rads().sin()),
pub fn rect_to_sphere(rect: RectangularCoordinate) -> SphericalCoordinate {
return SphericalCoordinate {
r: (rect.x.as_rads().powf(2.0)
+ rect.y.as_rads().powf(2.0)
+ rect.z.as_rads().powf(2.0))
ra: Angle::from_rads(rect.y.as_rads().atan2(rect.x.as_rads())).rev(),
decl: Angle::from_rads(
.atan2((rect.x.as_rads().powf(2.0) + rect.y.as_rads().powf(2.0)).sqrt()),
pub fn rotate_around_x(rect: RectangularCoordinate, oblecl: Angle) -> RectangularCoordinate {
return RectangularCoordinate {
x: rect.x,
y: Angle::from_rads(
rect.y.as_rads() * oblecl.as_rads().cos()
- rect.z.as_rads() * oblecl.as_rads().sin(),
z: Angle::from_rads(
rect.y.as_rads() * oblecl.as_rads().sin()
+ rect.z.as_rads() * oblecl.as_rads().cos(),
pub fn sphere_to_horizontal<T: TimeZone>(
gps: GpsCoordinate,
target: SphericalCoordinate,
instant: DateTime<T>,
) -> HorizontalCoordinate {
let ha = SpaceMath::calculate_hour_angle(instant, gps.longitude, target.ra);
let x = ha.as_rads().cos() * target.decl.as_rads().cos();
let y = ha.as_rads().sin() * target.decl.as_rads().cos();
let z = target.decl.as_rads().sin();
let d90 = SpaceMath::rads(90.0);
let xhor =
x * (d90 - gps.latitude.as_rads()).cos() - z * (d90 - gps.latitude.as_rads()).sin();
let yhor = y;
let zhor =
x * (d90 - gps.latitude.as_rads()).sin() + z * (d90 - gps.latitude.as_rads()).cos();
let azimuth = yhor.atan2(xhor) + PI;
let altitude = zhor.atan2((xhor.powf(2.0) + yhor.powf(2.0)).sqrt());
return HorizontalCoordinate {
altitude: Angle::from_rads(altitude),
azimuth: Angle::from_rads(azimuth),
mod test_coordinates {
use super::*;
fn round(x: Float, decimals: u32) -> Float {
let y = 10i32.pow(decimals) as Float;
(x * y).round() / y
pub fn test_spherical_to_ecliptic() {
let sol = SphericalCoordinate {
ra: Angle::from_deg(90.0),
decl: Angle { rads: 0.0 },
r: 1.0,
// Verify equatorial conversion works
let xyz = SpaceMath::sphere_to_rect(sol);
assert_eq!(round(xyz.x.as_rads(), 8), 0.0);
assert_eq!(round(xyz.y.as_rads(), 8), 1.0);
assert_eq!(xyz.z.as_rads(), (0.0 as Float).sin());
// Now verify ecliptic rotation works
let xyz_ecliptic = SpaceMath::rotate_around_x(xyz, Angle::from_deg(23.4));
assert_eq!(round(xyz_ecliptic.x.as_rads(), 8), 0.0);
assert_eq!(round(xyz_ecliptic.y.as_rads(), 4), 0.9178);
assert_eq!(round(xyz_ecliptic.z.as_rads(), 4), 0.3971);
// Convert ecliptic to spherical
let spherical = SpaceMath::rect_to_sphere(xyz_ecliptic);
assert_eq!(spherical.r.round(), 1.0);
assert_eq!(spherical.ra.as_deg().round(), 90.0);
assert_eq!(round(spherical.decl.as_deg(), 2), 23.4);
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