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Last active December 5, 2024 15:15
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Gear generation code with openSCAD


In order to use this code, you will need to copy gears.scad to your Libraries folder.

And then you can run Untitled.scad as any other normal scad project file.

If you don't want to mess around with the library, just combine the two code files together into one.

Library Functions

This code will provide a function


Which takes the following parameters:

  • N = Number of teeth
  • P = Diametral Pitch (defaults to 12)
  • pa = Pressure Angle (defaults to 14.5)

The output of this method will be a 2D gear (converted to mm) which you simply need to linear_extrude in order to print on a 3D printer.

The library also includes a number of other mathematical functions including:


Which takes the following parameters:

  • N1 = Tooth count of the first gear
  • N2 = Tooth count of the second gear
  • P = Diametral Pitch

The output of this function will be the mm distance you must space both gears for them to mesh perfectly.

picture of the openscad output

include <gears.scad>
Teeth = 18;
Pitch = 12;
difference() {
spur_gear(N=Teeth, P=Pitch);
// Change this variable to calculate how far
// this gear and another gear need to be spaced
// in order to mesh properly.
// (output will display in the console in units mm)
OtherGearTeeth = 37;
echo("center distance (mm)", calc_center_distance(Teeth, OtherGearTeeth, Pitch));
in_to_mm = 25.4;
rad_to_deg = 180 / PI;
deg_to_rad = PI / 180;
function parametric_points(fx, fy, t0=0, t1=10, delta=0.01)
= [for(i = [t0:delta:t1]) [fx(i), fy(i)]];
function reverse(vector)
= [for(i = [1:len(vector)]) vector[len(vector) - i]];
function calc_module(P) = in_to_mm / P;
function calc_addendum(P) = (1/P) * in_to_mm;
function calc_dedendum(P) = (1.25/P) * in_to_mm;
function calc_dp(N, P) = (N/P) * in_to_mm;
function calc_db(N, P, pa) = calc_dp(N,P) * cos(pa);
function calc_dr(N, P) = calc_dp(N,P) - 2 * calc_dedendum(P);
function calc_circular_pitch(P) = (PI / P) * in_to_mm;
function calc_thickness(P) = (1.5708 / P) * in_to_mm;
function calc_alpha(dp, db, pa) = ((sqrt(pow(dp,2) - pow(db,2))/db) * rad_to_deg - pa);
function calc_clearance(P) = calc_dedendum(P) - calc_addendum(P);
function calc_center_distance(N1, N2, P) = in_to_mm * (N1 + N2) /(2 * P);
Given some parameters, this method will generate a spur gear
with an involute curve. Accepted paramters include:
- N = How many teeth
- P = Diametral pitch (all gears should have the same P)
- pa = pressure angle (recommended to remain at 14.5)
module spur_gear(N, P = 12, pa = 14.5) {
dp = calc_dp(N, P);
db = calc_db(N, P, pa);
dr = calc_dr(N, P);
a = calc_addendum(P);
b = calc_dedendum(P);
c = calc_clearance(P);
p = calc_circular_pitch(P);
// Undercut adjustment
// NOTE: this might not be great? IDK
undercut = 1 * c;
// Calculate radius to begin the involute calculations
r = (db - undercut) * .5;
alpha = calc_alpha(dp, db, pa);
beta = ((360 / (4*N)) - alpha) * 2;
module involute_tooth() {
x = function(t) (r * (cos(t*rad_to_deg) + t * sin(t*rad_to_deg)));
y = function(t) (r * (sin(t * rad_to_deg) - t * cos(t * rad_to_deg)));
x2 = function(t) r * (cos(-t*rad_to_deg - beta) - t * sin(-t * rad_to_deg - beta));
y2 = function(t) r * (sin(-t*rad_to_deg - beta) + t * cos(-t * rad_to_deg - beta));
involute_1_points = parametric_points(fx=x, fy=y, t1=.68);
involute_2_points = parametric_points(fx=x2, fy=y2, t1=.68);
difference() {
union() {
[[ 0, 0 ]],
[[ 0, 0]]
// Use subtraction to extend the invlute curve towards the base
// circle and then stop it at that point. This will
// add some square-shaped space at the base of the tooth
// NOTE: usage of undercut might be overkill.
circle(d=(dp - 2*b));
difference() {
circle(d=(dp + 2*a));
circular_mirror(d=0, steps=N) involute_tooth();
Helper modules
module circular_mirror(x=0, y=0, d, steps) {
aps = 360 / steps;
for (step=[0:steps]) {
current_angle = step * aps;
unit_x = cos(current_angle);
unit_y = sin(current_angle);
translate([x, y, 0]) {
translate([unit_x * d, unit_y * d, 0]) {
rotate(current_angle) children();
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