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Created March 23, 2016 04:23
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package koh.glicko;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Created by Melancholia on 3/18/16.
public class Glicko2Player {
private double rating;
private double ratingDeviation; //Rating deviation
private double sigma;
private double mu;
private double phi;
private double tau;
private static final double pi2 = 9.8696044;
private final ArrayList<double[]> M = new ArrayList<>(3);
//rating = 1500, rd = 350, volatility = 0.06, mu = null, phi = null, sigma = null, systemconstant = 0.75
public Glicko2Player(double rating, String[] values){
this.rating = rating;
this.ratingDeviation = Double.parseDouble(values[0]);
this.sigma = Double.parseDouble(values[1]); = Double.parseDouble(values[2]);
this.phi = Double.parseDouble(values[3]);
this.tau = Double.parseDouble(values[4]);
public static Glicko2Player defaultValue() {
return new Glicko2Player(1500, 350, 0.06, null, null, null, 0.75);
public Glicko2Player(double rating, double ratingDeviation, double volatility, Double mu, Double phi, Double sigma, double systemConstant) {
this.rating = rating;
this.ratingDeviation = ratingDeviation;
// volatility
if (sigma == null) {
this.sigma = volatility;
} else {
this.sigma = sigma;
// System Constant
this.tau = systemConstant;
// Step 2
// Rating
if (mu == null) { = (this.rating - 1500) / 173.7178;
} else { = mu;
// Rating Deviation
if (phi == null) {
this.phi = this.ratingDeviation / 173.7178;
} else {
this.phi = phi;
public double[] matchElement(double score) {
return new double[]{, this.phi, score};
public void addWin(Glicko2Player otherPlayer) {
public void addLoss(Glicko2Player otherPlayer) {
public void addDraw(Glicko2Player otherPlayer) {
public void update() {
final double[] results = this.addMatches(this.M);
this.rating = results[0];
if(this.rating < 1500){
this.rating = 1500;
this.ratingDeviation = results[1]; = results[2];
this.phi = results[3];
this.sigma = results[4];
private final double[] addMatches(ArrayList<double[]> M) {
// This is where the Glicko2 rating calculation actually happens
// Follow along the steps using:
if (M.isEmpty()) {
final double phi_p = Math.sqrt((this.phi * this.phi) + (this.sigma * this.sigma));
return new double[]{this.rating, 173.7178 * phi_p,, phi_p, this.sigma};
// summation parts of Step 3 & 4 & 7
double v_sum = 0;
double delta_sum = 0;
double mu_p_sum = 0;
for (double[] m : M) {
final double E = this.E(, m[0], m[1]);
final double g = this.g(m[1]);
v_sum += (g * g * E * (1 - E));
delta_sum += g * (m[2] - E);
mu_p_sum += g * (m[2] - E);
// Step 3
// Estimated variance
double v = 1.0 / v_sum;
// Step 4
// Estimated improvment in rating
double delta = v * delta_sum;
// Step 5
final double a = Math.log(this.sigma * this.sigma);
double x_prev = a;
double x = x_prev;
final double tausq = this.tau * this.tau;
final double phisq = this.phi * this.phi;
final double deltasq = delta * delta;
do {
double exp_xp = Math.exp(x_prev);
double d = this.phi * this.phi + v + exp_xp;
double deltadsq = deltasq / (d * d);
double h1 = -(x_prev - a) / (tausq) - (0.5 * exp_xp / d) + (0.5 * exp_xp * deltadsq);
double h2 = (-1.0 / tausq) - ((0.5 * exp_xp) * (phisq + v) / (d * d)) + (0.5 * deltasq * exp_xp * (phisq + v - exp_xp) / (d * d * d));
double tmp_x = x;
x = x_prev - (h1 / h2);
x_prev = tmp_x;
} while (Math.abs(x - x_prev) > 0.1);
final double sigma_p = Math.exp(x / 2);
// Step 6
final double phi_star = Math.sqrt(phisq + (sigma_p * sigma_p));
// Step 7
final double phi_p = 1.0 / (Math.sqrt((1.0 / (phi_star * phi_star)) + (1.0 / v)));
// New mu
final double mu_p = + phi_p * phi_p * mu_p_sum;
return new double[]{(173.7178 * mu_p) + 1500, 173.7178 * phi_p, mu_p, phi_p, sigma_p};
//R, rd, , mu , phi, sigma
private double g(double phi) {
return 1.0 / (Math.sqrt(1.0 + (3.0 * phi * phi) / (pi2)));
private double E(double mu, double mu_j, double phi_j) {
return 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-this.g(phi_j) * (mu - mu_j)));
public String toString() {
return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this);
public int getRating(){
return (int) this.rating;
public String serialize(){
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
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