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Last active August 9, 2023 15:03
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Large Language Model Whispering Tiger Plugin
# ============================================================
# Adds Large Language Model support to Whispering Tiger
# answers to questions using speech to text or if using the TTS send event
# V1.0.0
# See
# ============================================================
import Plugins
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
import torch
from pathlib import Path
import os
from time import strftime
import VRC_OSCLib
import websocket
import json
import settings
from Models import languageClassification
from Models.TTS import silero
from Models.TextTranslation import texttranslate
import re
import sys
from importlib import util
import zipfile
import downloader
DEFAULT_PROMPT = "This is a discussion between a [human] and a [AI]. \nThe [AI] is very\
nice and empathetic.\n\n[human]: What color do you like?\n[AI]: I like pink.\n\
\n[human]: Hello nice to meet you.\n[AI]: Nice to meet you too.\n\n[human]: What\
are you? \n[AI]: I am an AI.\n\n[human]: Who created you?\n[AI]: Sharrnah created\
me. Check\n\n[human]: How is it going today?\n[AI]: Not so bad, thank\
you! How about you?\n\n[human]: I am okay too. \n[AI]: Oh that's good.\n\n[human]:\
??\n[AI]: "
"question": ["about ", "across ", "after ", "against ", "along ", "am ", "amn't ", "among ", "are ", "aren't ", "around ", "at ", "before ", "behind ", "between ",
"beyond ", "but ", "by ", "can ", "can't ", "concerning ", "could ", "couldn't ", "despite ", "did ", "didn't ", "do ", "does ", "doesn't ", "don't ",
"down ", "during ", "except ", "following ", "for ", "from ", "had ", "hadn't ", "has ", "hasn't ", "have ", "haven't ", "how ", "how's ", "in ",
"including ", "into ", "is ", "isn't ", "like ", "may ", "mayn't ", "might ", "mightn't ", "must ", "mustn't ", "near ", "of ", "off ", "on ", "out ",
"over ", "plus ", "shall ", "shan't ", "should ", "shouldn't ", "since ", "through ", "throughout ", "to ", "towards ", "under ", "until ", "up ", "upon ",
"was ", "wasn't ", "were ", "weren't ", "what ", "what's ", "when ", "when's ", "where ", "where's ", "which ", "which's ", "who ", "who's ", "why ",
"why's ", "will ", "with ", "within ", "without ", "won't ", "would ", "wouldn't "],
"command": ["ai? ", "ai. ", "ai ", "a.i. ", "ai, ", "ai! ", "artificial intelligence"],
def load_module(package_dir):
package_dir = os.path.abspath(package_dir)
package_name = os.path.basename(package_dir)
# Add the parent directory of the package to sys.path
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(package_dir)
sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir)
# Load the package
spec = util.find_spec(package_name)
if spec is None:
raise ImportError(f"Cannot find package '{package_name}'")
module = util.module_from_spec(spec)
# Remove the parent directory from sys.path
return module
def extract_zip(file_path, output_dir):
with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") as zip_file:
# remove the zip file after extraction
bitsandbytes_dependency_module = {
"url": "",
"sha256": "5f532e7b1353eb7049ae831da2eb62ed8a1e0444116bd51b9e088a6e0bc7a34a",
"path": "bitsandbytes"
llm_plugin_dir = Path(Path.cwd() / "Plugins" / "llm_plugin")
os.makedirs(llm_plugin_dir, exist_ok=True)
llm_cache_dir = Path(Path.cwd() / ".cache" / "llm_plugin")
os.makedirs(llm_cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
def sanitize_folder_name(folder_name):
Replaces characters that are not supported in Windows folder names with an underscore.
# Define a regular expression to match characters that are not allowed in Windows folder names
illegal_char_pattern = re.compile(r'[<>:"/\\|?*]')
# Replace any illegal characters with an underscore
sanitized_name = illegal_char_pattern.sub('_', folder_name)
return sanitized_name
class LlmPlugin(Plugins.Base):
tokenizer = None
model = None
model_name = "EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B"
bit_length = 16 # can be 32 = 32 float, 16 = 16 float or 8 = 8 int
device = "cpu" # can be "auto" or None
low_cpu_mem_usage = True
load_in_8bit_mode = False
max_new_tokens = 2048
conditioning_lines = []
def init(self):
# prepare all possible settings
self.model_name = self.get_plugin_setting("model_name", "EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B") # the huggingface model name. Good alternatives are "bigscience/bloomz-7b1", "bigscience/bloom-7b1", "PygmalionAI/pygmalion-6b" ...
self.device = self.get_plugin_setting("device", "auto") # can be "auto", "cpu", "mps" or "cuda"
self.bit_length = self.get_plugin_setting("bit_length", 16) # can be 32 = 32 float, 16 = 16 float or 8 = 8 int
self.load_in_8bit_mode = self.get_plugin_setting("load_in_8bit_mode", False)
self.max_new_tokens = self.get_plugin_setting("max_new_tokens", 2048)
DEFAULT_PROMPT) # replaces ?? in prompt with input text or adds it to the end if no ?? is found
self.get_plugin_setting("conditioning_history", 0) # number of lines to add from previous conversation
self.get_plugin_setting("memory", "") # long term memory to add to the conversation
self.get_plugin_setting("osc_prefix", "AI: ")
self.get_plugin_setting("translate_to_speaker_language", False)
self.get_plugin_setting("only_respond_question_commands", False)
self.get_plugin_setting("tts_enabled", False)
self.get_plugin_setting("osc_enabled", True)
if self.is_enabled(False):
# load the bitsandbytes module
if self.load_in_8bit_mode:
if not Path(llm_plugin_dir / bitsandbytes_dependency_module["path"] / "").is_file():
downloader.download_thread(bitsandbytes_dependency_module["url"], str(llm_plugin_dir.resolve()),
extract_zip(str(llm_plugin_dir / os.path.basename(bitsandbytes_dependency_module["url"])),
# add cuda dlls to path
if not Path(llm_plugin_dir / bitsandbytes_dependency_module["path"] / "cuda_setup" / "libbitsandbytes_cuda116.dll").is_file():
downloader.download_thread("", Path(llm_plugin_dir / bitsandbytes_dependency_module["path"] / "cuda_setup").resolve(), None)
bitsandbytes = load_module(
str(Path(llm_plugin_dir / bitsandbytes_dependency_module["path"]).resolve()))
cache_path = Path(llm_cache_dir / sanitize_folder_name(self.model_name))
os.makedirs(cache_path, exist_ok=True)
print("llm cache folder: " + str(cache_path.resolve()))
if self.model is None:
print(f"{self.model_name} is Loading to {self.device} using {self.bit_length} bit {('INT' if self.bit_length == 8 else 'float')} precision...")
websocket.set_loading_state("llm_loading", True)
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_name)
if self.device == "auto" or self.device == "cuda":
device_map = "auto"
device_map = {"": self.device}
match self.bit_length:
case 16: # 16 bit float
self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(self.model_name,
device_map=device_map, load_in_8bit=self.load_in_8bit_mode,
case 8: # 8 bit int
self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(self.model_name,
device_map=device_map, load_in_8bit=self.load_in_8bit_mode,
case _: # 32 bit float
self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(self.model_name,
device_map=device_map, load_in_8bit=self.load_in_8bit_mode,
if not self.load_in_8bit_mode:
if torch.__version__ >= "2" and sys.platform != "win32":
self.model = torch.compile(self.model)
websocket.set_loading_state("llm_loading", False)
# load text translator
# disable OSC processing so the LLM can take it over:
settings.SetOption("osc_auto_processing_enabled", False)
# disable TTS so the LLM can take it over:
settings.SetOption("tts_answer", False)
# disable websocket final messages processing so the LLM can take it over:
settings.SetOption("websocket_final_messages", False)
def encode(self, input_text, retry=0):
original_input_text = input_text
# show typing indicator when processing
osc_ip = settings.GetOption("osc_ip")
osc_port = settings.GetOption("osc_port")
if self.get_plugin_setting("osc_enabled", True) and osc_ip != "0":
VRC_OSCLib.Bool(True, "/chatbox/typing", IP=osc_ip, PORT=osc_port)
# make sure input has an end token
if not input_text.endswith(".") and not input_text.endswith("!") and not input_text.endswith(
"?") and not input_text.endswith(",") and not input_text.endswith(";") and not input_text.endswith(":"):
input_text += "."
# Add llm prompt prefix
if self.get_plugin_setting("prompt_prefix", "") != "":
llm_prompt_prefix = self.get_plugin_setting("prompt_prefix", "")
if llm_prompt_prefix.count("??") > 0:
input_text = llm_prompt_prefix.replace("??", input_text)
input_text = llm_prompt_prefix + input_text
conditioning_input_text = input_text
# add current time infos
input_text = strftime("It is %A the %d %B %Y and the time is %H:%M.") + "\n" + input_text
# Add conditioning lines
if self.get_plugin_setting("conditioning_history", 0) > 0 and len(self.conditioning_lines) > 0:
input_text = "\n".join(self.conditioning_lines) + "\n" + input_text
# Add llm long-term memory
if self.get_plugin_setting("memory", "") != "":
input_text = self.get_plugin_setting("memory") + "\n" + input_text
if self.device == "auto" or self.device == "cuda":
input_ids = self.tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt")['input_ids'].cuda(0)
input_ids = self.tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt")['input_ids']
with torch.no_grad():
output_tokens = self.model.generate(
min_length=len(input_ids[0]) + 10,
max_length=len(input_ids[0]) + 40,
result = self.tokenizer.batch_decode(output_tokens)[0]
result = result.replace("<pad>", "").replace("</s>", "").replace("<unk>", "").strip()
# remove the input text and human hallucination from the result
ol = len(input_text)
n = 0
for i in range(ol, len(result)):
if result[i] == '\n\n' or result[i] == '[':
n = i
result = result[ol:n]
# remove some common prefixes from the start of the result (@todo: make this configurable)
result = result.strip().removeprefix(self.get_plugin_setting("memory"))
result = result.strip().removeprefix("\n".join(self.conditioning_lines) + "\n")
result = result.strip().removeprefix(conditioning_input_text)
result = result.removeprefix("A: ")
result = result.removeprefix("AI: ")
result = result.removeprefix("Human: ")
result = result.removeprefix("[human]")
result = result.removeprefix(":")
if result.strip() == "":
if retry < 3:
return self.encode(original_input_text, retry + 1)
result = "hmm..."
# Add the result to the conditioning history and remove the oldest lines if needed
if self.get_plugin_setting("conditioning_history", 0) > 0:
if len(self.conditioning_lines) >= self.get_plugin_setting("conditioning_history"):
difference = len(self.conditioning_lines) - self.get_plugin_setting("conditioning_history")
del self.conditioning_lines[0:difference - 1]
self.conditioning_lines.append(conditioning_input_text + result)
return result.strip()
def send_message(self, text, answer, result_obj):
osc_ip = settings.GetOption("osc_ip")
osc_address = settings.GetOption("osc_address")
osc_port = settings.GetOption("osc_port")
llm_osc_prefix = self.get_plugin_setting("osc_prefix", "AI: ")
result_obj["type"] = "llm_answer"
print("LLM Answer: " + answer)
print("LLM Answer: ???")
if self.get_plugin_setting("osc_enabled", True) and answer != text and osc_ip != "0":
VRC_OSCLib.Chat(llm_osc_prefix + answer, True, True, osc_address, IP=osc_ip, PORT=osc_port,
if self.get_plugin_setting("tts_enabled", False) and answer != "" and silero.init():
# remove osc prefix from message
predicted_text = answer.removeprefix(llm_osc_prefix).strip()
silero_wav, sample_rate = silero.tts.tts(predicted_text)
silero.tts.play_audio(silero_wav, settings.GetOption("device_out_index"))
except Exception as e:
print("Error while playing TTS audio: " + str(e))
def timer(self):
def stt(self, text, result_obj):
if self.model is not None and self.is_enabled(False):
# only respond to questions or commands if the setting is enabled
if (self.get_plugin_setting("only_respond_question_commands") and (("?" in text.strip().lower() and any(ele in text.strip().lower() for ele in PROMPT_FORMATTING['question'])) or
any(ele in text.strip().lower() for ele in PROMPT_FORMATTING['command']))) or \
not self.get_plugin_setting("only_respond_question_commands"):
predicted_text = self.encode(text)
if self.get_plugin_setting("translate_to_speaker_language", False):
target_lang = result_obj['language']
print("Translating to " + target_lang)
predicted_text, txt_from_lang, txt_to_lang = texttranslate.TranslateLanguage(predicted_text, "auto",
False, True)
result_obj['llm_answer'] = predicted_text
self.send_message(text, predicted_text, result_obj)
def tts(self, text, device_index, websocket_connection=None, download=False):
if self.model is not None and self.is_enabled(False):
predicted_text = self.encode(text)
# detect written text language
language = languageClassification.classify(text)
result_obj = {'text': text, 'type': "transcribe", 'language': language, 'llm_answer': predicted_text}
self.send_message(text, predicted_text, result_obj)
def on_enable(self):
def on_disable(self):
settings.SetOption("websocket_final_messages", True)
#self.model = None
#self.tokenizer = None
#if torch.cuda.is_available():
# # Reset the maximum memory allocated by PyTorch
# torch.cuda.reset_max_memory_allocated()
# # Empty the GPU memory cache
# torch.cuda.empty_cache()
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