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Created February 12, 2015 16:41
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Merging a WPF application into a single EXE
第一步,找到项目文件下的 .csprojc 文件,用文本编辑器打开它,并找到下面这行:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
把下面的 XML 粘贴到文件中,然后保存并在 Visual Studio 中重载:
<Target Name="AfterResolveReferences">
<EmbeddedResource Include="@(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)" Condition="'%(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths.Extension)' == '.dll'">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<Target Name="AfterResolveReferences">
<EmbeddedResource Include="@(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)" Condition="'%(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths.Extension)' == '.dll'">
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Targer Name="AfterBuild">
第二步,你需要在你的项目中新建一个文件(e.g. Program.cs)然后把下列代码加入(根据你的程序命名/结构):
public static void Main()
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += OnResolveAssembly;
App.Main(); // Run WPF startup code.
private static Assembly OnResolveAssembly(object sender, ResolveEventArgs e)
var thisAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
// Get the Name of the AssemblyFile
var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(e.Name);
var dllName = assemblyName.Name + ".dll";
// Load from Embedded Resources - This function is not called if the Assembly is already
// in the same folder as the app.
var resources = thisAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Where(s => s.EndsWith(dllName));
if (resources.Any())
// 99% of cases will only have one matching item, but if you don't,
// you will have to change the logic to handle those cases.
var resourceName = resources.First();
using (var stream = thisAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
if (stream == null) return null;
var block = new byte[stream.Length];
// Safely try to load the assembly.
stream.Read(block, 0, block.Length);
return Assembly.Load(block);
catch (IOException)
return null;
return null;
// in the case the resource doesn't exist, return null.
return null;
第三步,设定你的项目属性,确定程序的启动窗体(Startup object)是上面的这段代码。
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