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Last active January 7, 2024 17:44
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Example of input switching from Shadow Play. This works by having the ControlWatcher in a scene detecting what input method the player is using. If it changes it alerts the GlobalData class which with then send an event to subscribers of IsUsingControllerChanged. An example of a subscriber being TutorialIcon
//Hnandling device changes doc:
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities;
public class ControlWatcher : MonoBehaviour
IDisposable eventListener;
Vector2 joystickDirection;
private void Start()
GlobalData.CurrentGamepad = Gamepad.current;
eventListener = InputSystem.onAnyButtonPress.Call(OnControllerButtonPressed);
InputSystem.onDeviceChange += OnDeviceChanged;
private void FixedUpdate()
if(GlobalData.CurrentGamepad != null)
joystickDirection = GlobalData.CurrentGamepad.leftStick.ReadValue();
if (joystickDirection != new Vector2(0, 0) && !GlobalData.IsUsingController)
GlobalData.IsUsingController = true;
void OnControllerButtonPressed(InputControl button)
var device = button.device;
if (device is Gamepad)
if(GlobalData.IsUsingController == false)
GlobalData.IsUsingController = true;
if(GlobalData.IsUsingController == true)
GlobalData.IsUsingController = false;
void OnDeviceChanged(InputDevice device, InputDeviceChange change)
switch (change)
case InputDeviceChange.Added:
if(device is Gamepad)
GlobalData.CurrentGamepad = Gamepad.current;
case InputDeviceChange.Removed:
if (device is Gamepad)
GlobalData.CurrentGamepad = null;
Debug.LogWarning("ERROR: Unable to determine change in device status");
private void OnDestroy()
if (eventListener != null)
//Parts of this code are AI generated. Please see:
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
public static class GlobalData
#region local variables
static bool isInCinematic;
static bool canSpawnClones = true;
static bool isUsingController = false;
static Gamepad currentGamepad;
static bool canUseMultiInteraction = true;
#region public variables
public static bool IsInCinematic
get { return isInCinematic; }
isInCinematic = value;
public static bool CanSpawnClones
get { return canSpawnClones; }
canSpawnClones = value;
public static bool IsUsingController
get { return isUsingController; }
if(value == true)
Cursor.visible = false;
Cursor.visible = true;
isUsingController = value;
public static Gamepad CurrentGamepad
get { return currentGamepad; }
currentGamepad = value;
public static bool CanUseMultiInteraction
get { return canUseMultiInteraction; }
canUseMultiInteraction = value;
#region event handlers
public static event EventHandler<bool> IsInCinematicChanged;
public static event EventHandler<bool> CanSpawnClonesChanged;
public static event EventHandler<bool> IsUsingControllerChanged;
public static event EventHandler<Gamepad> CurrentGamepadChanged;
public static event EventHandler<bool> CanUseMultiInteractionChanged;
static void OnIsInCinematicChanged(bool newValue)
IsInCinematicChanged?.Invoke(null, newValue);
static void OnCanSpawnClonesChanged(bool newValue)
CanSpawnClonesChanged?.Invoke(null, newValue);
static void OnIsUsingControllerChanged(bool newValue)
IsUsingControllerChanged?.Invoke(null, newValue);
static void OnCurrentControllerChanged(Gamepad newValue)
CurrentGamepadChanged?.Invoke(null, newValue);
static void OnCanUseMultiInteractionChanged(bool newValue)
CanUseMultiInteractionChanged?.Invoke(null, newValue);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class TutorialIcon : MonoBehaviour
[Header("First Set of Icons")]
public GameObject Icon;
private GameObject IconTransition;
GameObject controllerIcon;
GameObject keyboardIcon;
[Header("Second Set of Icons")]
public GameObject Icon2;
private GameObject IconTransition2;
GameObject controllerIcon2;
GameObject keyboardIcon2;
//public ParticleSystem Signpost;
public bool Shrink = true;
private float transitionTime;
private float transitionScale;
public bool playerInTrigger;
public bool NextIcon;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
GlobalData.IsUsingControllerChanged += IsUsingControllerChanged;
//IsUsingControllerChanged(null, true);
if (GlobalData.IsUsingController)
Icon = controllerIcon;
if (controllerIcon2 != null)
Icon2 = controllerIcon2;
IconTransition2 = controllerIcon2;
Icon = keyboardIcon;
if (keyboardIcon2 != null)
Icon2 = keyboardIcon2;
IconTransition2 = keyboardIcon2;
void IsUsingControllerChanged(object sender, bool e)
if (playerInTrigger)
if (GlobalData.IsUsingController)
IconTransition = controllerIcon;
if (controllerIcon2 != null)
IconTransition2 = controllerIcon2;
IconTransition = keyboardIcon;
if (keyboardIcon2 != null)
IconTransition2 = keyboardIcon2;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Shrink == true)
if (transitionTime < 1)
transitionTime += Time.deltaTime;
transitionScale = Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, transitionTime / 0.2f);
else if (Shrink == false)
if (transitionTime > 0)
transitionTime -= Time.deltaTime;
transitionScale = Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, transitionTime /0.2f);
if (NextIcon == false)
Icon.transform.localScale = new Vector3(transitionScale, transitionScale, transitionScale);
else if (NextIcon == true)
Icon2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(transitionScale, transitionScale, transitionScale);
public void IconScaleShrink()
Shrink = true;
public void IconScaleGrow()
Shrink = false;
IEnumerator Transition()
Shrink = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
Icon = IconTransition;
Icon2 = IconTransition2;
Shrink = false;
public void StartNextIconCoroutine()
public IEnumerator NextIconTransition()
Shrink = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
NextIcon = true;
//Icon = IconTransition;
Icon2 = IconTransition2;
Shrink = false;
//private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
// if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
// {
// playerInTrigger = true;
// IconScaleGrow();
// }
//private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
// if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
// {
// playerInTrigger = false;
// IconScaleShrink();
// }
private void OnDestroy()
GlobalData.IsUsingControllerChanged -= IsUsingControllerChanged;
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