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Last active January 8, 2016 09:16
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# Trie Solution
import collections
class Trie:
class TrieRoot:
def __init__(self):
self.children = {}
self.shortest_word = None
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self, char=''):
self.char = char
self.cnts = {}
def __init__(self, dictionary):
self.root = Trie.TrieRoot()
for word in dictionary:
def add(self, word):
letters = self.get_letters(word)
root = self.root
for char, cnt in letters:
if char not in root.children:
root.children[char] = Trie.TrieNode(char)
node = root.children[char]
if cnt not in node.cnts:
node.cnts[cnt] = Trie.TrieRoot()
root = node.cnts[cnt]
if not root.shortest_word or len(root.shortest_word) > len(word):
root.shortest_word = word
def get_letters(self, word):
counter = collections.defaultdict(int)
for char in word:
counter[char] += 1
return sorted(counter.items())
def search(self, word):
letters = self.get_letters(word)
ret = []
self.search_rec(self.root, letters, ret)
return ret
def search_rec(self, root, letters, ret):
if not letters:
char, cnt = letters[0]
if char in root.children:
node = root.children[char]
for mcnt, mroot in sorted(node.cnts.items()):
if cnt <= mcnt:
self.search_rec(mroot, letters[1:], ret)
class Solution:
def find_shortest_words(self, strings, dictionary):
ret = []
trie = Trie(dictionary)
for s in strings:
ret.append(self.find_shortest_word(trie, s))
return ret
def find_shortest_word(self, trie, s):
word = '*' * 1000
for mword in
if len(mword) < len(word):
word = mword
return word
# Inveted Index Solution
class Solution0:
def find_shortest_words(self, strings, dictionary):
inveted_index =
ret = []
for string in strings:
words = set()
for s in set(string):
words |= inveted_index[s]
for word in sorted(words, key=len):
if self.valid(word, string):
return ret
def build(self, dictionary):
index = collections.defaultdict(set)
for word in dictionary:
for char in set(word):
return index
def valid(self, word, s):
wcnt = collections.Counter(word)
scnt = collections.Counter(s)
for s, cnt in scnt.items():
if s not in wcnt or wcnt[s] < cnt:
return False
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
strings = ['abbc', 'ab']
dictionary = ['afklj', 'cbaa', 'cabb', 'cbaab','bbbbcca','jba']
print(Solution0().find_shortest_words(strings, dictionary))
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