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Created October 1, 2023 20:42
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Unit Test Concerns


  • The following document poses a unit testing concern observed in a Java 17 codebase leveraging Spring 5.3, JUnit 5.9 and Mockito 5.1.



  • Suppose you have the following class with a method consisting of a try block who's catch contains a single logging event:

     import org.slf4j.* // Underlying logging framework is logback.classic.Logger
     public class MyClass1 {
     	private Logger LOGGER = (Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
     	private void parseDocument(File theFile) {
     		   // Some code
     		   var parsedDocument = documentBuilder.parse(theFile); // Can throw IOException
     		} catch(IOException e){
     		   LOGGER.error(LoggingFacade.formatError"ErrorCode", null, null, null, "IOException " + e);
  • Additionally, you have it's testing file that contains test cases which make assertions using the state of the Logger field:

     class MyClass1Test {
         final Logger logger = (Logger) LoggerFactory = getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
         private Appender<ILoggingEvents> mockAppender;
         private ArgumentCptor<LoggingEvents> captorLoggingEvents;
         public void setUp { logger.addAppender(mockAppender); }
         public void tearDown { logger.detachAppender(mockAppender); }
         void parseDocumentTest_givenBadDocument_expectIOException() {
     	// Mock decleration
     	// class.method under test instantiation
     	verify(mockAppender, atLeast(1)).doAppend(captorLoggingEvents.capture());
     	var allValues = captorLoggingEvent.getAllValues();
     	var isIOException = -> event.getFormattedMessage().contains("IOException"));
  • Currently, this implementation works as antcipated and no issues are observed.


  • The primary concern is that this implementation may introduce non-consistent / indeterministic behavior.
  • Suppose a nearly identical class, MyClass2, employs the same logger/assertion approach.
  • Consider the possibility that, during build, MyClass1 and MyClass2 test cases execute in parellel. I believe the following pitfalls exist (but unsure if well founded):
    • MyClass1 and MyClass2 are now sharing the state of the Logger field.
    • MyClass1 could interfere with a write/read event for MyClass2 or vice versa.
    • Suppose MyClass1 doesn't execute the catch block for unbeknownst reasons; if MyClass2 logs an IOException, MyClass1 can still successfully assert isIOException.
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