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Last active July 26, 2019 10:32
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Practice > Tutorials > 30 Days of Code > Day 8: Dictionaries and Maps

Solution of Day 8: Dictionaries and Maps

πŸ‘ŽπŸ’© What did i fuck up?

As the task describe, you may confidently wrote down some code like below what I done at first:

N = int(input())
d = dict()

for _ in range(0, N):
    name, number = input().split()
    d[name] = number

for _ in range(0, N):
    name = input()
    if name in d:
        print("{}={}".format(name, d[name]))
        print("Not found")

You press Run Rode button, it works. And then you press Submit Code and have a cup of tea 🍡...Oops Runtime Error :( occurred in test case 1 which the first input line is 100000.

πŸ™ŒπŸ° Aha! Gotcha

But once you take the full testcase and run it in your local machine, you can get the error detail:

ValueError             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-bec769e0bec0> in <module>()
      4 for _ in range(0, N):
----> 5     name, number = input().split()
      6     d[name] = number

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

Once take a peek at the input testcase, you will find out that the n subsequent lines after the first line actually does not match number 100000

πŸ‘ŒOK, just need to do a little change to work. Here's an example

import sys
_ = int(input())
d = dict()

for line in sys.stdin:
    line_splited = str(line).split(" ")
    if len(line_splited) == 2:
        d[line_splited[0]] = line_splited[1].replace('\n', '')
        name = line_splited[0].replace('\n', '')
        if name in d:
            print("{}={}".format(name, d[name]))
            print("Not found")
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