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Last active March 26, 2024 08:30
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WorkerServiceFactory implementation
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
public sealed class TestWorkerService : IDisposable
internal readonly IHost Host;
internal TestWorkerService(
HostApplicationBuilder builder,
Action<IHostApplicationBuilder> configure
Host = builder.Build();
internal TestWorkerService(IHostBuilder builder, Action<IHostBuilder> configure)
Host = builder.Build();
public void Dispose() => Host.Dispose();
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
internal sealed class WorkerHostFactoryLocator
private readonly Type _entryPoint;
private readonly string _environment;
private readonly string? _methodName;
private const BindingFlags FactoryMethodFlags =
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public;
public WorkerHostFactoryLocator(Type entryPoint, string? methodName, string environment)
_entryPoint = entryPoint;
_environment = environment;
_methodName = methodName;
if (TryGetFactoryMethodByName(out var factoryMethod))
else if (TryGetHostApplicationBuilderFactory(out factoryMethod))
else if (TryGetIHostBuilderFactory(out factoryMethod))
private void CreateBuilder(MethodInfo factoryMethod)
if (factoryMethod.ReturnType == typeof(IHostBuilder))
else if (factoryMethod.ReturnType == typeof(HostApplicationBuilder))
throw new Exception(
$"Method '{factoryMethod.Name}' does not return a valid host builder."
private void CreateHostApplicationBuilder(MethodInfo factoryMethod) =>
HostApplicationBuilder = (HostApplicationBuilder)
new object?[]
new HostApplicationBuilderSettings
ApplicationName = _entryPoint.Assembly.GetName().Name,
EnvironmentName = _environment
private void CreateHostBuilder(MethodInfo factoryMethod) =>
HostBuilder = (IHostBuilder)
factoryMethod.Invoke(null, new object?[] { Array.Empty<string>() })!;
private void ThrowNoFactoryFound() =>
throw new Exception(
$"Unable to find a suitable factory method on type `{_entryPoint.FullName}`."
private bool TryGetFactoryMethodByName(out MethodInfo factoryMethod)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_methodName))
factoryMethod = default!;
return false;
var methodByName = _entryPoint.GetMethod(_methodName, FactoryMethodFlags);
factoryMethod =
?? throw new Exception(
$"Expected to find method '{_methodName}' on type `{_entryPoint.FullName}`."
return true;
private bool TryGetHostApplicationBuilderFactory(out MethodInfo factoryMethod)
factoryMethod = default!;
var hostBuilderFactory = _entryPoint
method =>
method.ReturnType == typeof(HostApplicationBuilder)
|| method.ReturnType == typeof(IHostApplicationBuilder)
if (hostBuilderFactory is null)
return false;
factoryMethod = hostBuilderFactory;
return true;
private bool TryGetIHostBuilderFactory(out MethodInfo factoryMethod)
factoryMethod = default!;
var hostBuilderFactory = _entryPoint
.SingleOrDefault(method => method.ReturnType == typeof(IHostBuilder));
if (hostBuilderFactory is null)
return false;
factoryMethod = hostBuilderFactory;
return true;
public HostApplicationBuilder? HostApplicationBuilder { get; private set; }
public IHostBuilder? HostBuilder { get; private set; }
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
public abstract class WorkerServiceFactory<T> : IDisposable
private readonly HostApplicationBuilder? _hostAppBuilder;
private readonly IHostBuilder? _hostBuilder;
protected WorkerServiceFactory()
var entryPoint = typeof(T).Assembly.EntryPoint!.DeclaringType!;
var locator = new WorkerHostFactoryLocator(
_hostAppBuilder = locator.HostApplicationBuilder;
_hostBuilder = locator.HostBuilder;
protected virtual void ConfigureApplicationHost(IHostApplicationBuilder builder) { }
protected virtual void ConfigureHost(IHostBuilder builder) { }
public void Dispose()
public TService GetService<TService>()
where TService : class => ServiceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<TService>();
public void Start() => _ = WorkerService;
private bool TryHostAppBuilder(out TestWorkerService service)
service = default!;
if (_hostAppBuilder is null)
return false;
service = new TestWorkerService(_hostAppBuilder, ConfigureApplicationHost);
return true;
private bool TryHostBuilder(out TestWorkerService service)
service = default!;
if (_hostBuilder is null)
return false;
service = new TestWorkerService(_hostBuilder, ConfigureHost);
return true;
protected virtual string? CreateBuilderMethodName { get; }
protected virtual string Environment { get; } = Environments.Development;
private IServiceScope? _serviceScope;
private IServiceScope ServiceScope => _serviceScope ??= Services.CreateScope();
public IServiceProvider Services => WorkerService.Host.Services;
private TestWorkerService? _workerService;
public TestWorkerService WorkerService =>
_workerService ??=
TryHostAppBuilder(out _workerService) || TryHostBuilder(out _workerService)
? _workerService
: throw new Exception("No valid host has been provided.");
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