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Last active November 7, 2020 14:47
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Playing with movie tracks using AVFoundation in Swift (command line version)
#!/usr/bin/env swift
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
if Process.arguments.count != 2 {
println("The first and only argument should be a full path to a movie or music file.")
if let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath:Process.arguments[1]) {
let theOpts = [
AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey : true,
AVURLAssetReferenceRestrictionsKey : 0 // AVAssetReferenceRestrictions.RestrictionForbidNone
if let movie = AVURLAsset(URL:url, options:theOpts) {
println("We have a movie")
println("Getting the total number of tracks:")
println("Movie has \(movie.tracks.count) tracks")
println("Getting the number of tracks based on their characteristics")
println("Movie has \(movie.tracksWithMediaCharacteristic(AVMediaCharacteristicVisual).count) visual tracks")
println("Movie has \(movie.tracksWithMediaCharacteristic(AVMediaCharacteristicAudible).count) audible tracks")
println("Getting the number of tracks based on their mediaType")
println("Movie has \(movie.tracksWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo).count) video tracks")
println("Movie has \(movie.tracksWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeAudio).count) audio tracks")
println("Now getting the CMPersistentTrackID for each track")
var trackID:CMPersistentTrackID = CMPersistentTrackID(kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid)
for (index, track) in enumerate(movie.tracks) {
trackID = track.trackID
println("Track at index: \(index) has track ID: \(trackID)")
println("Now get the track with the last track ID")
let track:AVAssetTrack = movie.trackWithTrackID(trackID)
println("Track with trackID: \(trackID) is: \(track)")
println("Lets get the track segments of one of the last track")
for (index, segment) in enumerate(track.segments) {
let sourceRange = CMTimeRangeCopyAsDictionary(segment.timeMapping.source, kCFAllocatorDefault)
println("Segment \(index) time range for source: \(sourceRange)")
let targetRange = CMTimeRangeCopyAsDictionary(, kCFAllocatorDefault)
println("Segment \(index) time range for target: \(targetRange)")
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