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Created October 12, 2014 22:04
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  • Save SheffieldKevin/f00660e747e654e8735f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SheffieldKevin/f00660e747e654e8735f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ruby/applescript display select folder dialog script for Paul
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Scale and add a text water mark to images.
require 'moving_images'
include MovingImages
# The folder where the water marked images will be saved.
output_dir = "~/Desktop/watermarkedfiles"
# output_dir = nil
# You can specify the source directory path here or let script ask you.
# source_directory = File.expand_path("~/Pictures/aatemp")
source_directory = nil
def select_a_folder(message: "Select a folder with images:")
applescript = "tell application \"System Events\"\n" \
"set p1 to process 1 whose frontmost is true\n" \
"activate\n" \
"set f to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt \"#{message}\")\n" \
"set frontmost of p1 to true\n" \
"return f\n" \
"end tell\n"
result, eo, exitVal = Open3.capture3('osascript', '-e', applescript)
unless exitVal.exitstatus.eql? 0
result = "Cancel"
if source_directory.nil?
source_directory = select_a_folder(message: "Select folder with images")
if source_directory.eql? "Cancel"
if output_dir.nil?
output_dir = select_a_folder(message: "Select Destination Folder")
if output_dir.eql? "Cancel"
# images = SpotlightCommand.find_imagefiles(onlyin: source_directory)
# image_lists = MILibrary::Utility.make_imagefilelists_forprocessing(
# imagefilelist: images,
# assume_images_have_same_dimensions: false)
images = SpotlightCommand.find_imagefiles_withdimensions(
width: 2272,
height: 1704,
onlyin: source_directory)
image_lists = MILibrary::Utility.splitlists_intolists_withmaxnum(images, 50)
almost_black_semi_trans = MIColor.make_rgbacolor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, a: 0.25)
almost_white_semi_trans = MIColor.make_rgbacolor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, a: 0.25)
options = MILibrary::Utility.make_addtextwatermark_options(
text: "©Kevin Meaney",
fillcolor: almost_black_semi_trans,
strokecolor: almost_white_semi_trans,
strokewidth: -6.0, # 0 means don't stroke.
fontsize: nil, # nil means calculate font size.
font: 'AvenirNext-Heavy',
scale: 0.35,
outputdir: output_dir,
exportfiletype: :'public.jpeg',
quality: 0.8, # jpeg quality setting
copymetadata: false,
assume_images_have_same_dimensions: true,
async: true,
verbose: true)
start_time =
list_num = 0
num_lists = image_lists.length
lastobject_id = image_lists.last.object_id
image_lists.each do |image_list|
puts "Number of files in list: #{image_list[:files].size}"
if lastobject_id.eql? image_list.object_id
options[:async] = false
MILibrary.addtextwatermark_files(options, image_list)
puts "Processed list #{list_num + 1} of #{num_lists}"
list_num = list_num.succ
puts "Time to process: #{ - start_time}"
`open #{options[:outputdir]}`
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