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Created November 22, 2017 14:59
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication9
public static class Configs
// Log Mes sages
public static string TimerStarted = "Timer Started **********************************************";
public static string TimerEnded = "Timer Ended **********************************************";
public static string SettingsUpdateStarted = "Updating Settings Started";
public static string SettingsUpdateEnded = "Updating Settings Completed";
public static string ServiceUpdateStarted = "Service Update Started";
public static string ServiceUpdateEnded = "Service Update Completed";
public static string SWInfoStarted = "Software Info Started";
public static string SWInfoEnded = "Software Info Completed";
public static string AssetInfoStarted = "Asset Info Started";
public static string AssetInfoEnded = "Asset Info Completed";
public static string ResetLocalDBStarted = "Reset Local DB Started";
public static string ResetLocalDBEnded = "Reset Local DB Completed";
public static string ResetLocalDBSucessfull = "Local DB Resetted Sucessfully";
public static string EventMessageLogonText = "New Logon:";
public static string EventMessageLogonIDText = "Logon ID:";
public static string EventMessageAccountNameSystemText = "Account Name:\t\tSYSTEM";
public static string EventMessageAccountNameText = "Account Name:";
public static string EventMessageAccountDomainText = "Account Domain:\t\tGGKTECH";
public static string EventDomainName = "GGKTECH";
// Routes
public static string GetSettingsByTypeRoute = "Settings/GetSettingsByType?type={0}&assetTag={1}";
public static string AddUpdateSoftwaresRoute = "Software/AddUpdateSoftwares";
public static string GetSoftwaresByAssetRoute = "Software/GetSoftwaresByAsset?assetTag={0}";
public static string SWInstallationRoute = "Software/SWInstallation";
public static string GetLatestVersion = "ServiceUpdate/GetLatestVersion";
public static string DownloadServiceRoute = "ServiceUpdate/DownloadService?version={0}";
public static string UpdateSWLastUpdateDateRoute = "Software/UpdateSWLastUpdateDate?assetTag={0}";
public static string GetAssetInfoRoute = "AssetInfo/GetAssetInfo?assetTag={0}";
public static string UpdateAILastUpdateDateRoute = "AssetInfo/UpdateAILastUpdateDate?assetTag={0}";
public static string UpdateAssetInfoRoute = "AssetInfo/UpdateAssetInfo";
public static string UpdateResetLocalDB = "ServiceUpdate/ChangeResetLocalDBStatus?assetTag={0}";
public static string EventContains = "Installation";
public static string EventReplace = "Product: ";
public static string EventInsReplace = " -- Installation completed successfully.";
public static string EventUnInsReplace = " -- Removal completed successfully.";
public static string WorkingDirectoryPath = new FileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).DirectoryName;
public static string Version = @"Version : {0}";
public static string SettingNotFound = @"Unable to get settings from API";
public static double IntervalMin = 5;
public static string EventFired = @"Event : {0} ---------------------------------";
public static string EventFiredCompleted = @"---------------------------------------------";
public static string SoftwareName = @"Software Name : {0}";
public static string MailSendingStarted = @"Mail Sending Started";
public static string UserMailSendingStarted = @"User Mail Sending Started";
public static string MailSendingEnded = @"Mail Sending Completed";
public static string UserMailSendingEnded = @"User Mail Sending Completed";
public static string LogPath = @"Log Path {0}";
//Notificattioon Service
//SNA mail subject
public static string SNAAssetsSubject = "SNA Assets Report " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
public static string SNASASubject = "SNA Service Version Report " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
public static string SNAEmailBody = "Hi <br/><br/> Please find the below attachments <br/><br/> " +
"&nbsp;&nbsp;1. Total assets by location <br/> &nbsp;&nbsp;2. Softwares installed/uninstalled report of last week";
public static string SNASAEmailBody = "Hi <br/><br/> Please find the below attachments <br/><br/> " +
"&nbsp;&nbsp;1. The Following Assets Service Version is not updated from past 3 days <br/> &nbsp;&nbsp";
//SNA folder path
public static string SNAFolderPath = new FileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).DirectoryName
.Replace("\\bin\\Debug", "")
.Replace("\\bin\\Release", "")
+ "\\Reports\\SNA\\";
//SNA mail attchments paths
public static string SNAAssetAttachmentUppal = SNAFolderPath + @"Uppal-SNAAssets.xlsx";
public static string SNAAssetAttachmentJH = SNAFolderPath + @"JH-SNAAssets.xlsx";
public static string SNAAssetAttachmentWaveRock = SNAFolderPath + @"WR-SNAAssets.xlsx";
public static string SNASWAttachmentUppal = SNAFolderPath + @"Uppal-SNASW.xlsx";
public static string SNASWAttachmentJH = SNAFolderPath + @"JH-SNASW.xlsx";
public static string SNASWAttachmentWaveRock = SNAFolderPath + @"WR-SNASW.xlsx";
public static string SNAWSAttachmentUppal = SNAFolderPath + @"Uppal-SNAWS.xlsx";
public static string SNAWSAttachmentJH = SNAFolderPath + @"JH-SNAWS.xlsx";
public static string SNAWSAttachmentWaveRock = SNAFolderPath + @"WR-SNAWS.xlsx";
public static string SNASAAttachmentUppal = SNAFolderPath + @"Uppal-SNASA.xlsx";
public static string SNASAAttachmentWaveRock = SNAFolderPath + @"WR-SNASA.xlsx";
public static string SNASAAttachmentJH = SNAFolderPath + @"JH-SNASA.xlsx";
//SNA folder path
public static string AdminFolderPath = new FileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).DirectoryName
.Replace("\\bin\\Debug", "")
.Replace("\\bin\\Release", "")
+ "\\Reports\\Admin\\";
//Admin mail subject
public static string AdminSubject = "Admin Assets Report " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
public static string AdminEmailBody = "Hi <br/><br/> Please find the below attachments <br/><br/> " +
"&nbsp;&nbsp;1. Total assets by location <br/>";
//Admin mail attchments paths
public static string AdminAssetAttachmentUppal = AdminFolderPath + @"Uppal-AdminAssets.xlsx";
public static string AdminAssetAttachmentJH = AdminFolderPath + @"JH-AdminAssets.xlsx";
public static string AdminAssetAttachmentWaveRock = AdminFolderPath + @"WR-AdminAssets.xlsx";
public static string AdminWSAttachmentUppal = AdminFolderPath + @"Uppal-AdminWS.xlsx";
public static string AdminWSAttachmentJH = AdminFolderPath + @"JH-AdminWS.xlsx";
public static string AdminWSAttachmentWaveRock = AdminFolderPath + @"WR-AdminWS.xlsx";
public static string SNAReportsStarted = "Started generating SNA reports";
public static string SNAReportsCompleted = "Completed generating SNA reports";
public static string AdminReportsStarted = "Started generating Admin reports";
public static string AdminReportsCompleted = "Completed generating Admin reports";
// local DB folder path
public static string LocalDBConnString = new FileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).DirectoryName
.Replace("\\bin\\Debug", "")
.Replace("\\bin\\Release", "")
+ @"\\App_Data\\AMS.db;password=AMS@1234;";
// DomainGroupAdmin Strings
public static string DomainName = "GGKTECH";
public static string GroupName = "GGKTECH\\Domain Admins";
// SNAEmailTempalte
public static string SNAUserEmailTempalte = "Please revert back with the approved ticket to {0} for this action";
public static string SNAEmailTempalte = "User Name : {0} <br/>" +
"Time : {1} <br/>" +
"Machine : {2} <br/>" +
"Status : {3} <br/>";
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConsoleApplication9
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
while (true)
internal void SetEventHandlers()
// capturing 11707;11724 events
EventLog applicationLog = new EventLog("Application");
applicationLog.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
//applicationLog.ModifyOverflowPolicy(OverflowAction.OverwriteOlder, 1);
applicationLog.EntryWritten += new EntryWrittenEventHandler(ApplicationLog_EntryWritten);
// capturing 4634;4647;4624;4625;4648 events
EventLog secuirityLog = new EventLog("Security");
secuirityLog.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
secuirityLog.EntryWritten += new EntryWrittenEventHandler(SecurityLog_EntryWritten);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("in the catch block of set event handlers");
/// <summary>
/// capturing 11707;11724 events
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
internal void ApplicationLog_EntryWritten(object sender, EntryWrittenEventArgs e)
long eventID = e.Entry.EventID;
if (eventID == 11707 || eventID == 11724)
Console.WriteLine("event occured {0}", eventID);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Configs.EventFired, eventID));
string softwareName = string.Empty;
if (e.Entry.Message.Contains(Configs.EventContains))
softwareName = e.Entry.Message.Replace(Configs.EventReplace, "").
Replace(Configs.EventInsReplace, "");
softwareName = e.Entry.Message.Replace(Configs.EventReplace, "").
Replace(Configs.EventUnInsReplace, "");
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Configs.SoftwareName, softwareName));
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("in the catch block of ApplicationLog_EntryWritten");
/// <summary>
/// capturing 4634;4647;4624;4625;4648 events
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
internal void SecurityLog_EntryWritten(object sender, EntryWrittenEventArgs e)
long eventID = e.Entry.EventID;
string logMessage = e.Entry.Message;
string logontype = string.Empty;
int logontypeint = 99;
foreach (var myString in logMessage.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
if (myString.Contains("Logon Type:"))
logontype = myString;
logontypeint = Int32.Parse(logontype.Split(':')[1].Trim());
if (eventID == 4624 && logMessage.Contains("New Logon:") && logontypeint == 7)
Console.WriteLine("event occured {0}", eventID);
// parsing the string for NewLogon Text
int indexFrom = logMessage.IndexOf(Configs.EventMessageLogonText);
string logonString = logMessage.Substring(indexFrom, logMessage.Length - indexFrom);
int indexTo = logonString.IndexOf(Configs.EventMessageLogonIDText);
string specificString = logonString.Substring(0, indexTo);
// check if the accoutnvDomainName has GGKTECH and then parse the account domain name
if (specificString.Contains(Configs.EventMessageAccountDomainText))
string[] lines = specificString.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
string line = lines.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Contains(Configs.EventMessageAccountDomainText));
string[] temp = line.Split(':');
string domainName = temp[1].Trim();
// Check if the DomainName is GGKTech
if (domainName.Equals(Configs.EventDomainName))
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Configs.EventFired, eventID));
lines = specificString.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
line = lines.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Contains(Configs.EventMessageAccountNameText));
temp = line.Split(':');
string userName = temp[1].Trim().ToLower();
//if (e.Entry.TimeGenerated > DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1))
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("in the catch block of SecurityLog_EntryWritten");
static void DisplayEventLogProperties()
// Iterate through the current set of event log files,
// displaying the property settings for each file.
EventLog[] eventLogs = EventLog.GetEventLogs();
foreach (EventLog e in eventLogs)
Int64 sizeKB = 0;
Console.WriteLine("{0}:", e.LogDisplayName);
Console.WriteLine(" Log name = \t\t {0}", e.Log);
Console.WriteLine(" Number of event log entries = {0}", e.Entries.Count.ToString());
// Determine if there is an event log file for this event log.
RegistryKey regEventLog = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\" + e.Log);
if (regEventLog != null)
Object temp = regEventLog.GetValue("File");
if (temp != null)
Console.WriteLine(" Log file path = \t {0}", temp.ToString());
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(temp.ToString());
// Get the current size of the event log file.
if (file.Exists)
sizeKB = file.Length / 1024;
if ((file.Length % 1024) != 0)
Console.WriteLine(" Current size = \t {0} kilobytes", sizeKB.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(" Log file path = \t <not set>");
// Display the maximum size and overflow settings.
sizeKB = e.MaximumKilobytes;
Console.WriteLine(" Maximum size = \t {0} kilobytes", sizeKB.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(" Overflow setting = \t {0}", e.OverflowAction.ToString());
switch (e.OverflowAction)
case OverflowAction.OverwriteOlder:
Console.WriteLine("\t Entries are retained a minimum of {0} days.",
case OverflowAction.DoNotOverwrite:
Console.WriteLine("\t Older entries are not overwritten.");
case OverflowAction.OverwriteAsNeeded:
Console.WriteLine("\t If number of entries equals max size limit, a new event log entry overwrites the oldest entry.");
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