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Last active May 24, 2018 04:24
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Shortcut Keys Function


Escape key Gets out of the current mode into the “command mode”. All keys are bound of commands.

  • i “Insert mode” for inserting text. Keys behave as expected.
  • : “Last-line mode” where Vim expects you to enter a command such as to save the document.

Navigation keys

  • h moves the cursor one character to the left.
  • j or Ctrl + J moves the cursor down one line.
  • k or Ctrl + P moves the cursor up one line.
  • l moves the cursor one character to the right.
  • 0 moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
  • $ moves the cursor to the end of the line.
  • ^ moves the cursor to the first non-empty character of the line
  • w move forward one word (next alphanumeric word)
  • W move forward one word (delimited by a white space)
  • 5w move forward five words
  • b move backward one word (previous alphanumeric word)
  • B move backward one word (delimited by a white space)
  • 5b move backward five words
  • G move to the end of the file
  • gg move to the beginning of the file.

Navigate around the document

  • ( jumps to the previous sentence
  • ) jumps to the next sentence
  • { jumps to the previous paragraph
  • } jumps to the next paragraph
  • [[ jumps to the previous section
  • ]] jumps to the next section
  • [] jump to the end of the previous section
  • ][ jump to the end of the next section

Insert text

  • a Insert text after the cursor
  • A Insert text at the end of the line
  • i Insert text before the cursor
  • o Begin a new line below the cursor
  • O Begin a new line above the cursor

Special inserts

  • :r [filename] Insert the file [filename] below the cursor
  • :r ![command] Execute [command] and insert its output below the cursor

Delete text

  • x delete character at cursor
  • dw delete a word.
  • d0 delete to the beginning of a line.
  • d$ delete to the end of a line.
  • d) delete to the end of sentence.
  • dgg delete to the beginning of the file.
  • dG delete to the end of the file.
  • dd delete line
  • 3dd delete three lines

Simple replace text

  • r{text} Replace the character under the cursor with {text}
  • R Replace characters instead of inserting them

Copy/Paste text

  • yy copy current line into storage buffer
  • ["x]yy Copy the current lines into register x
  • p paste storage buffer after current line
  • P paste storage buffer before current line
  • ["x]p paste from register x after current line
  • ["x]P paste from register x before current line

Undo/Redo operation

  • u undo the last operation.
  • Ctrl+r redo the last undo.

Search and Replace keys

  • /search_text search document for search_text going forward

  • ?search_text search document for search_text going backward

  • n move to the next instance of the result from the search

  • N move to the previous instance of the result

  • :%s/original/replacement Search for the first occurrence of the string“original” and replace it with “replacement”

  • :%s/original/replacement/g Search and replace all occurrences of the string “original” with “replacement”

  • :%s/original/replacement/gc Search for all occurrences of the string “original” but ask for confirmation before replacing them with “replacement”


  • m {a-z A-Z} Set bookmark {a-z A-Z} at the current cursor position :marks List all bookmarks `{a-z A-Z} Jumps to the bookmark {a-z A-Z}

Select text

  • v Enter visual mode per character
  • V Enter visual mode per line
  • Esc Exit visual mode

Modify selected text

  • ~ Switch case
  • d delete a word.
  • c change
  • y yank
  • shift right

  • < shift left
  • ! filter through an external command

Save and quit

  • :q Quits Vim but fails when file has been changed
  • :w Save the file
  • :w new_name Save the file with the new_name filename
  • :wq Save the file and quit Vim.
  • :q! Quit Vim without saving the changes to the file.
  • ZZ Write file, if modified, and quit Vim
  • ZQ Same as :q! Quits Vim without writing changes

NerdTree Shortcuts

Create new file

First, bring up NERDTree and navigate to the directory where you want to create the new file. Press m to bring up the NERDTree Filesystem Menu. This menu allows you to create, rename, and delete files and directories. Type a to add a child node and then simply enter the filename. You’re done! To create a directory follow the same steps but append a / to the filename.

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