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Apple LLVM 9.0 - Language - C++ Settings
This is an option setting under a Target - Build Settings tab. The idea is to let Xcode (LLVM) to be able to handle C++ functions, if you are using any static framework that is written in C++.
This is two items that need to be selected(it may be defaulting different values by different Xcode version):
C++ Language Dialect: GNU++14 [-std=gnu++14]
C++ Standard Library: libc++ (LLVM c++ standard library with C++11 support)
14 indicates this version came out in 2014 [1], if you have to use older version, 11 is in the droplist. If you need 98 you can still run some script to achieve it. [2]
See the reference links for more info.
Reference Links:
[1] C++ Standard:
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