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Last active August 10, 2020 08:27
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Example code to help you create your own Caldera Forms add-on. See:
* Register new field type
add_filter( 'caldera_forms_get_field_types', function( $fields ){
//In this example "field_slug" will identify field later, you should change this
$fields[ 'field_slug' ] = array(
//Change this to the name of your field
'field' => __( 'Short Name', 'text-domain' ),
//Change this to the description of your field
'description' => __( 'Description', 'text-domain' ),
//ensure this is the right path for FRONT-END field file
//This is optional. If empty, generic field file will be used.
'file' => plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'field/field.php',
//set category, custom categories are not allowed
'category' => __( 'Special', 'caldera-forms' ),
//this function is called to save the field value
'handler' => 'field_slug_handler',
'setup' => array(
//ensure this is the right path for your field configuration file
'template' => plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'field/config.php',
// //ensure this is the right path for your field admin preview file.
'preview' => plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'fields/preview.php',
//Optional: Add any default settings -- caption|default|required etc. you do NOT want to be added.,
'not_supported' => array(
//Optional add any JavaScript files you want to be loaded when these field type is used
//NOTE: Use full URL with correct protocol
'scripts' => array(
//Optional add any CSS files you want to be loaded when these field type is used
//NOTE: Use full URL with correct protocol
'styles' => array(
return $fields;
* Save field_slug type fields
* @param mixed $value Field value
* @param array $field Field config
* @param array $form Form config
* @return string|array|WP_Error
function field_slug_handler( $value, $field, $form ){
//return array or string to save that value
//return WP_Error to trigger error
* Change the type HTML attribute of dynamically generated field_slug type fields to hidden and add a class
* @param array $attrs Field attributes
* @param array $form Form config
add_filter( 'caldera_forms_field_attributes-field_slug', function( $attrs, $form ){
//use original type as class
//note Caldera Forms will implode this array escaping recursively with esc_attr(0
$attrs[ 'class' ][] = $attrs[ 'type' ];
//change type to hidden
$attrs[ 'type' ] = 'hidden';
return $attrs;
* Change the type HTML attribute of dynamically generated field_slug type fields to hidden
* @param array $attrs Field attributes
* @param array $form Form config
add_filter( 'caldera_forms_field_attributes-field_slug', function( $attrs, $form ){
//change type to hidden
$attrs[ 'type' ] = 'hidden';
return $attrs;
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ){
//When form state is initialized for a form initialize field_slug fields
$( document ).on( 'cf.form.init', function( e, obj ){
* obj contains
* idAttr: The id attribute of form
* formID: The form ID
* state: CFState object for the form
* fieldIds: The ids of fields in form
var $form = $( '#' + obj.idAttr );
//find all fields in form with field_slug class
var $fields = $form.find( '.field_slug' );
if( $fields.length ){
var field_slug_change_callback = function (value, idAttr) {
//value is current value
//idAttr is field id attribute
/** {CF_State} */
var state = obj.state;
$fields.each( function (i,field) { $(field).attr( 'id' ), field_slug_change_callback );
var field_slug_init = function(){
//do stuff to make field JavaScript work
//rerun when page changes, field is added back via conditionals, or form is loaded in modal
$(document).on('cf.pagenav cf.add cf.modal', field_slug_init );
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ){
var field_slug_init = function(){
//do stuff to make field JavaScript work
//rerun when page changes, field is added back via conditionals, or form is loaded in modal
$(document).on('cf.pagenav cf.add cf.modal', field_slug_init );
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