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Created January 10, 2017 18:51
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Filters for modifying Converkit sequence ID or Converkit form ID when using Caldera Forms ConvertKit processor to subscribe users to Convertkit on WordPress site.
add_filter( 'cf_convertkit_form_id', function( $ck_form_id, $form ){
//Only act on certain form (update your form ID!)
if( $form[ 'ID' ] == 'cf1234565' ){
//check the value of a field and change ConvertKit field ID if it matched
if( 'Shawn M. Hooper' === Caldera_Forms::get_field_data( 'fld_123456', $form ) ){
$ck_form_id = 42;
return $ck_form_id;
}, 20, 2);
add_filter( 'cf_convertkit_sequence_id', function( $ck_sequence_id, $form ){
//Only act on certain form (update your form ID!)
if( $form[ 'ID' ] == 'cf1234565' ){
//check the value of a field and change ConvertKit field ID if it matched
if( 'Roy Sivan' === Caldera_Forms::get_field_data( 'fld_123456', $form ) ){
$ck_sequence_id = 42;
return $ck_sequence_id;
}, 10, 2 );
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